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4 Habits Of Highly Organized People For A Productive Morning

4 Habits Of Highly Organized People For A Productive Morning

Do you often find that your mornings start a little too slowly? Does it take you much too long to get your gears whirring during the daytime? Do you struggle to stay on-task and finish jobs so soon after waking up? If you answered yes to any of those questions, don’t worry! Highly organized people reveal their tips for success. It’s much more common than you think!

Being productive in the mornings isn’t easy. Conditions have to be right, you must know yourself and what you’re doing, and you need to be able to find thoughts and objects quickly. But how can you do that? By learning from those who do this successfully, of course! Here are four habits of highly organized people for a productive morning.

1.    Scheduling In A Smart Way

Everyone talks about the importance of keeping a schedule. But there’s no point in creating a program that simply doesn’t work for you or anyone else. The point of scheduling isn’t to make a pretty list of work but to actually help you stay on track in a reasonable but firm manner. Here are some tips for scheduling smart:

·         Make A To-Do List

Yes, it’s easy to assume that you’ll naturally remember everything you have to do without the aid of a list. Still, writing a to-do list is considered one of the most positive and organized steps you can take if you want to be more productive. List down what you have to do that day, that week, and even that month if you plan your schedule that far in advance. You won’t feel pressured to remember everything, and you’ll feel accomplished when you cross items off the list one by one while the day goes on.

·         Be Mindful Of Your Energy

Don’t base your scheduling off of others. You know best how your energy levels are like. If you’re booming with alertness right after waking up, you can schedule things earlier in the day. If you’re a night person, you might be more lenient with your time limits for tasks. Take all of this into consideration. Remember, your schedule is for you, not anyone else!

·         Set A Timetable

Remember that to-do list? Trying setting it to a timetable. When everything you have to do has a set schedule that is easy to follow and an exact deadline, it’ll be easier for you to stay on track. Assign reasonable times, keep track of your progress, and don’t lose your positive thinking. Highly organized people tout this habit as a fantastic way to up your productivity as it keeps you on task from the beginning of each day.

·         Don’t Drop The Ball

When your day is hectic, it’s easy to forget some appointments or tasks. Try your hardest to keep each in mind. This is why you need a to-do list – so everything you have to do is nicely laid out and very difficult to forget! If you wind up having no choice but to miss specific tasks due to time constraints, learn from that mistake and schedule things more realistically in the future.

·         Follow A Routine

There’s nothing wrong with wanting a little variety in your life. But if you genuinely wish for a productive morning, make your schedule a routine. Do chores in the same order and basic tasks in the same general timeline every day. Routines are hugely crucial for positive productivity and efficiency, and they can even help with cognitive ability. This makes a routine a surefire success when your goal is a productive morning.

2.    Getting A Good Breakfast

Of course, breakfast is the first and most important meal you’ll have all day long. That’s why it’s so essential that your productive morning starts off with a well-planned breakfast. Here are some ways to make your first meal more fulfilling:

·         Eat Protein

The breakfast you eat makes a huge difference in how productive your morning is. Think about it: your body hasn’t had food for a prolonged period of time while you slept, so you need something that can get your engines into gear. A lot of people talk about carbohydrates as a breakfast food, but few fully grasp just how much protein can do for the body. Protein is a great brain nutrient that studies have found has positive effects on brain function. Consider breakfast foods involving eggs, Greek yogurt, almonds, or cottage cheese.

·         Prepare Food In Advance

Preparing your breakfast the evening before is a fantastic way to save a good chunk of time every morning. Your breakfast will be nutritious and won’t require the thinking of your groggy, still-tired brain. Even better, you can opt to prep large batches of breakfast over the weekend, so your entire week’s morning meals are ready to go!

·         Do Something Productive During Your Breakfast

Breakfast is a great time to get your gears going, and it’s an excellent way to get ahead of your tasks for the day. By the time you’re done eating, you’ll already be ahead! However, take this hint with a grain of salt, as it doesn’t work for everyone! If you tend to overeat, get distracted, or become stressed out when you do something else with breakfast, it’s best to opt not to go for this trick.

Here are ten daily habits that put you in a great mood.

3.    Be Tidy

Sure, being perfectly clean all the time is overrated. But making sure your clutter stays under control is very important for productivity. Plus, you can hardly consider yourself highly organized if your entire house and workstation are a mess! Here are some ways to keep things neat:

·         Clear Your Workspace

Want to have a fresh start to each day, full of positive thinking? Make sure your working space or desk is clean and clear before you begin. Clutter can almost feel comfortable sometimes, but what it actually does is trip you up. Things get harder to find, you’re more likely to be stressed out, and it’s tough to get things done without holdups. Sure, everyone has different limits to how messy space can get before it affects them, but if you follow science, cleanliness and tidiness is most crucial to productivity.

·         Resolve Snags

If you want your days to run smoothly, try making a habit of smoothing out so-called loose ends left behind from days past. It’s easy to ignore the tissue that fell on the floor, but in time that will amount to a lot of rubbish everywhere, which will impact your productivity. You might not think that missed call is that big of a deal, but when twenty of them pile up, you’ll be too overwhelmed to get to them. Learning to quickly tidy up these tiny little things as and when you notice them is key to being organized.

·         Clean Key Areas Before Leaving

Before you leave your house every morning, take a quick glance through the critical areas of your home. This might be your dining table where you eat, the kitchen counter where you need to cook, or the shoe rack by the front door that you tend to dump everything into. Give them all a cursory once over and clear or tidy what you can before heading out. This places your mind at ease as you go about your morning while also giving you a little sense of accomplishment from the start.

It’s worth noting that we’re not insinuating you need to have a perfect environment in order to be productive. The lesson here is to learn to become a more organized person, so you need to know where things are and feel relaxed in your living and working spaces. Often, being at least some degree of tidy is necessary to achieve this!

4.    Learn To Prioritize

Highly organized people don’t mistake productivity for the simple act of squeezing in as much as you can into as few moments as possible. The issue with this description is that it removes quality from the equation

When you are productive, you’re performing with high-quality and delivering outstanding results, but at a consistent and, if possible, fast pace. This means that sometimes, there are tasks you have to leave behind in favor of what really matters. Here’s how to better prioritize the things you need to get done for a more productive morning:

·         Decide On What You Want To Accomplish

What are the three things that you absolutely want to accomplish today? Which tasks must you complete to feel like you’ve been productive? Once you have your three most important tasks, schedule your day around them. You can do them at any point, as long as you get them done. When you have to choose between these tasks and other less major ones, always choose the former! You’ll feel better about yourself while teaching yourself not to sweat the small stuff.

·         Get To Critical Emails As Soon As Possible

It’s a great idea not to make a habit of browsing your email first thing in the morning before work begins. But once it starts, it’s all fair game! Focus on starting with the more critical emails first, resisting the urge to the top of your inbox chronologically. When you have the most vital emails settled, you’ll feel more relaxed and have more positive thinking throughout the day. Plus, there’s a much lower risk of you forgetting about those essential tasks as the day goes on! Highly organized people do not waste too much time on pointless, spammy emails.

·         Do The Worst Things First

Think of the three “worst” things you have to do today and get them done first. It’s up to you to define what “worst” entails. Are they the tasks you find most problematic? The ones you find most boring? The chores that take up the most time? An assortment of all of the above? Spend your morning on those “worst” tasks, and you’ll feel much more accomplished after – and, therefore, more motivated to do the more straightforward jobs during the rest of the day! Your concentration and energy are also likely best in the mornings, which plays into this.

Final Thoughts On Some Habits Of Highly Organized People For A Productive Morning

Few can deny the benefits of being organized. It helps you concentrate, reduces stress levels, and, of course, it makes you more productive. No matter what the time of day it is, focusing on the proper organization of your work area, your living space, and your tasks and goals for the day is crucial. Absolutely everyone can benefit from adding these habits of highly organized people to their lives!


15 Habits That Reveals Someone Has a Lack of Motivation

15 Habits That Reveals Someone Has a Lack of Motivation

Do you consider yourself a mover and a shaker? Does your natural sense of inner-drive and tenacity make you focused on what you want in life? Or perhaps a lack of motivation keeps your dreams slightly out of reach.

Remember that you are human, and nobody stays motivated 100 percent of the time. If you are working on a project or your life’s goals, you need some staying power.

These Fifteen Habits Might Point to a Lack of Motivation

Here are fifteen habits that could indicate a lack of motivation and how to fix them.

1. Procrastinating

Does chronic procrastinating stand in the way of accomplishing great things in life? It’s like any other bad habit that needs nipped in the bud and replaced with good habits. You can overcome procrastination with time and self-discipline.

One of the main reasons you may procrastinate is that you look at the big picture, which intimidates you. So, you decide you don’t want to do anything. Instead, break the goal into smaller tasks that are manageable. As you accomplish each mission, you’ll get the confidence to continue until you complete your plan.

2. Does Not Accept Challenges

Boredom is the enemy of success, and it’s an easy trap you can fall into without realizing it. Do you feel a satisfying challenge each day, or do you feel like nothing changes? Perhaps you are afraid to accept a challenge and step out of your comfort zone.

Before you can grow physically, mentally, and spiritually, you need to evaluate your current conditions and attitudes. If you don’t, your life will stagnate, and you’ll never reach success. A person who does not accept challenges can’t grow.

3. Fails to Self-Educate

Learning and education don’t end after you graduate from high school and college. It’s a life-long process that maintains your memory and cognitive functions. When you lack motivation, learning new concepts and different ways to do things may not be as important.

If you want something harmful enough, are you willing to work and study it all you can? What if you’ve always dreamed of owning your own business. How motivated are you to research starting a business from scratch and marketing your skills or products?

When you are determined to educate yourself on the necessary steps to achieve your goals, a lack of motivation won’t be a problem. If it’s learning a new skill or discovering better ways to complete tasks, self-education can give you the empowerment you need. Refuse to be the person who fails to self-educate.

4. Sets Non-specific Goals

Remember when you were in high school, and your parents and teachers asked you what your life goals were? Maybe you had a few specific ideas, but most of your plans were vague since young people have difficulty seeing that far ahead. As an adult, not having a solid plan can result in a lack of motivation and an unsure future.

Brainstorming is an ideal way to list all your goals and clarify them. In comparison, you may be optimistic about what you want in the next five years, the steps you need to take maybe hazy. Break each goal down into small, precise steps, and your path to success will be more apparent.

5. Defeated Posture

Have you ever seen marathon runners poised at the starting line? As they anticipate the whistle, their posture shows that they are confident and determined to win the race. For these athletes, the race is first won in their minds, and it matters how they carry themselves.

What does your posture say about your inner drive? When you have a lack of motivation, your posture has a depressive nature, and your whole body is slumped. Your head low, and you may appear to be moving in slow motion.

Be like the marathon runner and use the posture of a winner. Keep your back straight, shoulders back, and your head up. When you practice good posture, your body feels better, and you feel like doing more. People will also look at you and assume you are a self-confident person who knows what you want.

6. Low Expectations

It must have been a sad person who recommended always to expect the worst, so you can be surprised if the outcome is positive. How can you achieve your goals if you don’t even believe it can be done? If you have low expectations of what you can do, that’s probably what you’ll get.

When you are working on a project or goal, expect the best results. Don’t lower your standards because of fear that you’ll fail. Maintain a positive attitude and see what happens.

7. Feeling Overwhelmed

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you look at a project as a whole and not in small parts. When you feel frustrated, you often want to throw up your hands and quit. How do you keep focused?

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, stand back for a bit. See how you can break your project into smaller ones and build on each success. It’s okay to ask for help when you need it.

8. No Motivational Habits

What is your motivation style? Are you a thinker or a doer? If you don’t have any motivational habits, you can’t accomplish anything.

Cultivate good motivational habits, like setting goals and follow-through. If you are weak in one area, see how you can work to make it stronger. Consider what you did in the past to finish a project successfully, and you should utilize those skills to make future endeavors a success too.

9. Low Self-Esteem

When you allow negative attitudes to control your mind, it affects your self-esteem. If you don’t believe in yourself, then who will? It’s challenging to motivate yourself to try harder if you lack confidence in your abilities.

Identify self-defeating thoughts, and don’t allow them to crush your esteem. Be your cheerleader, and you must adopt a can-do attitude. You may be surprised at what you can accomplish.

10. Never Taking Responsibility

Are you the kind of person who will never admit blame, even when you know it’s deserved? To be successful, you must take responsibility when you drop the ball. Blaming others for your shortcomings will only hurt you in the long run.

When it comes to your personal goals, the buck stops at your doorstep. Learn to admit mistakes and learn from them. You will get more respect from others and for yourself.

11. Displays a Negative Attitude

Some people are like Eeyore, the sad-sack little donkey from the classic Pooh stories. No matter how good things are going, they will complain anyway. It’s almost like a dark storm cloud that follows them and fills the atmosphere with gloom and doom. Does that sound familiar?

Having a positive outlook is just as easy as being negative. Refuse to let a negative attitude sway you from your goals. Try to keep focused on the positive things you’ve accomplished and build on them.

12. Use Lack of Motivation as a Label

One of the worst excuses for a lack of motivation is to accept it as part of your personality. Are you going to give yourself a negative label and let your dreams fall through your fingers? It’s time to rip off that self-defeating label and bring on a new one.

Instead of accepting failure, hold yourself accountable to accomplish your plans or projects one step at a time. Do you have difficulties staying focused? Have your mate, a trusted friend, or family member be your go-to support.

13. Fear of Failure

Think of all the great American inventors throughout history, like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, or Alexander Graham Bell. Do you think they got everything right on the first try? What would our world be like if these brilliant minds would have given up because they were afraid of failure?

Do you lack motivation because you are afraid of being labeled a failure? The only true failure would come from not trying at all. Take a lesson from successful people around the world who had their share of failures before realizing their dreams.

14. Unhealthy Lifestyle

When you don’t feel well most of the time, it stands to reason that you would lack motivation. A poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle can wreak havoc on your physical and mental well-being. It can lead to debilitating diseases or contribute to premature death.

If you want the energy and stability to realize your dreams, you need a healthy body. Talk to your primary healthcare provider about a diet and exercise regimen that is best for you. A healthy lifestyle may prolong your life so you can do more of what you’ve always wanted.

15. Lack of Patience

Today’s world is founded on instant gratification. When you go through a fast-food drive-thru, dial your phone, or log onto the Internet, you expect results. Making goals for your future doesn’t work like that.

Have you ever noticed that when you fumble through something to get it done, you never get the results you wanted? Impatience can put a damper on your goals and make you give up in frustration.

Patience is a virtue worth having, especially when it comes to being motivated. Using a timeline for your goals can help you stay focused. Keep in mind that things can always change, and you must be flexible and patient for long-term success.

Final Thoughts on Identifying a Lack of Motivation–and Striving to Overcome the Challenge

When you are determined to succeed, lack of motivation won’t be an issue. People can inspire you to some degree, but you are responsible for your hopes and dreams. Once you identify that keeping on track is an issue, you can address it head-on and overcome it. So stay motivated, work hard, and you will see the results.


15 Organization Habits to Help All Working Moms on Busy Mornings »

15 Organization Habits to Help All Working Moms on Busy

Working moms juggle two crucial roles as full-time workers at home and on the job. Staying organized is essential for your sanity, especially in the mornings when you’re trying to get yourself and the kids out the door.

The challenges that a working mom faces are well-known and backed up by studies. Researchers point out that working moms juggle career, children, aging parents, and keeping every family member on track. The result can be a chaotic, stressful life.

Thus, working moms should try to develop good habits to offset the morningtime rush. Many organizational strategies work, some work better for you than others. See if any of these 15 organization tips could help you with your busy mornings.

15 Useful Tips to Help Working Moms Get Out the Door Faster

  1. Rise and shine–before the kids do

Set your alarm to awaken you at least 30 minutes before your kids get up, even earlier if you prefer a little more peace and quiet. Use your time alone to drink a cup of coffee, shower, and dress. You’ll feel calmer and mentally prepared for your day once you’re dressed and ready to step out the door.

  1. Wake the kids up around the same time every day

Your older kids should be responsible enough to get up on their own. Have them set the alarm to ensure they wake up. If they don’t get up, have a plan to wake them. One parent tells us that she went into her teenage son’s room and blew a whistle loudly on the days he wouldn’t get up.  He quickly learned to set his alarm to avoid his mom’s wake up technique. It was too annoying, he said.

  1. Give your kids a morning routine

Research supports the claim that children need a set routine.

Once your children are old enough, around four years old, teach them to navigate their morning routine. Show the younger children how to make their beds, brush their teeth, and get dressed. Have their clothes laid out in a spot of their choosing so they can easily dress without asking you for help.

Let the kiddos practice over the weeks and encourage their attempts, even if they aren’t perfect. Young kids love the independence and usually rise to the occasion. Of course, your kids will get distracted, but a simple reminder will help them get on track.

  1. Teach your kids simple breakfast prep

Provide easy to make breakfasts that your kids can make on their own. Toaster waffles, cereal, yogurt, or bagels are easy for kids to navigate. You can make smoothies the night ahead and serve those to your kids for breakfast, too.

  1. Make lunches the night before

If your kids take their lunch, prepare them the night before. There are great lunch boxes now with easy to clean compartments. Fill their lunches with fruit, veggies, and other yummy foods. Buy easy to send foods like carrots, celery, granola bars, and hummus packets.

Have your kids help you pack up their lunches so they can choose what they want to eat. It’s a great time to chat about what’s going on at school. Lunchtime at school is sometimes hard for kids because the cafeteria is crowded, and there aren’t many teachers around to supervise the conversations. So, find out what kids are saying and how your child is processing all the talks.

  1. Layout kids clothes and your clothes the night before

Every night before bed, have your younger kids help you choose what they want to wear the next day. It’s usually more manageable for the boys to pick out their clothes than the girls, so if you need to negotiate what they’re wearing, it’s better in the evening than the morning of school. Your older kids should lay out their own clothing. You can go check to see if they look okay. Some older kids resent this, but it’s a great habit for them to establish. Make it a house rule. Every house has rules, so tell them it’s just an easy house rule to follow.

  1. Ensure that homework gets done the night before

What parent hasn’t woke up to find out that their sixth-grader is frantic about an undone project due that day? It is typical for kids to forget their homework assignments. Hang baskets near your front door for homework assignments to be kept so you can get a quick glance at them before they go into your kids’ backpack.

If you see something left undone, you can show your child and have them finish it. Or if there’s not enough time, have your child contact their teacher on their own to tell them they didn’t do the assignment. Teaching your child to bear the weight of responsibility and to fix it is helpful. Teachers are usually happy to cut kids some slack when they’re honest about their mistakes.

  1. Schedule interruptions (all busy moms know these things are inevitable)

Life happens even to the most organized schedule. Things like lost shoes, kids arguing, and lost car keys happen. One mom shared how she was all dressed for work, nursing the baby just before stepping out the front door when her three-year-old daughter walked into the room and threw up all over her.

Plan for the unexpected.

Make sure your boss knows you have small kids. Hopefully, they’ll be sympathetic and understand that unplanned things happen. Pad your time schedule to allow for little interruptions in your mornings.

  1. Get help

It’s okay to need help. Not a soul will think anything less of you, and if they do, it’s their problem. Find an early morning nanny who can help your kids on the bus in the morning and off the bus in the afternoons. Once your kids are older, they’ll be able to do this on their own, but while your kids are young, it’s good to have the help.

Hire house cleaners when your kids are little. This way, you can concentrate more on your family and less on housework. Order fresh meals delivered to your home that you need to prepare. Again, some of these things will work for a season, when you’re especially busy with little kids. You can re-evaluate after six months or a year to see if you still need this help.

  1. Get your partner’s help.

Ask your partner to do the morning shift once in a while. Taking turns helps both of you understand what mornings are like. It can also be helpful if there need to be changes made. One partner may come up with a creative solution the other partner hadn’t thought of. When you divide and conquer the mornings with your partner, you’ll feel less stressed and able to get out the door calmly.

  1. Try to keep work at the office.

If possible, try not to do office work in the mornings. If you need to do some work, get up earlier, so you’re finished by the time the kids wake up. In the mornings, give your kids your full attention, so they feel like their mom is aware of their needs for the day. It’s tough on a kid to go to school all day and feel like their mom hardly noticed them. Tell your co-workers you aren’t taking calls till after a specific time. Don’t look at your emails until you’re at the office. You’ll be surprised how “pressing issues” aren’t as pressing as they are presented to be.

  1. Tell your kids you love them.

Kids have stuff going on at school. They need their parent’s support and love. Every day, be sure to tell your kids how much you love them and how proud you are of them. Make sure they leave for school with a sense of confidence in who they are and knowing how much they are loved and also supported. If you’re traveling, of course, you can easily text your kids or give them a phone call before they leave for school. Youmay never know the impact you are making on your kids’ life by a simple statement. Later on, when they’re older, they’ll tell you how much it meant as they faced their daily challenges.

  1. Keep a sense of humor.

Kids are kids. They cry, whine, complain, and stomp their feet. Don’t sweat the small stuff like mismatched socks or smug teenager looks. These are things you should overlook as not that important. Most of the things you’re obsessing over will all be different in five years. So relax, and don’t let the small issues get you down. Plus, your example of how to navigate stress is an essential lesson for your kids as they face their own challenges.

  1. Keep a schedule in your kitchen.

Wall calendars seem so 90s, but a paper calendar is helpful to keep your family updated on the weekly events. Hang a large paper calendar in your kitchen marked with sporting practices, games, and family outings. Your kids will always know what’s going on. In the corner of the calendar list, the family dinners for the week. This way, when the kids ask you what’s for dinner, you can point them to the calendar. Plus, having a dinner schedule will help you with grocery shopping and meal planning.

  1. Plan a routine that includes playtime

Routines bring peace, but they’re so easy to break. Who doesn’t want to sleep in when you’ve been up all night several times with the baby? But the more you can keep your routine, the better for you and your family. Kids thrive on routine. It’s actually good for kids who get stressed out quickly. So, if you strive to make it work, your kids will too. Motivative your kids by having family meetings once every couple weeks to praise them for their efforts in the mornings and how well they’re doing at keeping the routine.

Plan fun family weekend movies and outdoor activities to offset the weekly schedule. Make weekends sleep in-days, so your kids will learn what a day off means. It’s easy to be too work-focused. Teach your kids the value of resting and play so they can be well-rounded people.

Final Thoughts on Trying These Organization Habits for Busy Working Moms

Busy days with a family need good organizational habits to make it through. Try to incorporate some of these easy tips to see if they work for your family. Add others as required. You might need to tweak some of them to make them work well for you, but try to keep a predictable routine. Kids thrive with routine, and they’ll enjoy the weekends more when they’ve worked hard all week to get up and off to your daily destinations on time.


10 Habits Of Unhappy People

10 Habits Of Unhappy People

Happiness is a very subjective thing, the source of happiness varies from person to person. However, I believe that it is a matter of choice to be happy  or not. It is in our own hands to find happiness, tiny reasons to celebrate and share your joy. When happiness is objectified with material things or anything in particular that is where we start to harm ourselves. By cutting down or limiting the reasons to feel happy. Following are the most common habits and behaviors portrayed by ‘unhappy’ people. As feeling happy is a matter of choice.

10. Expanding Our Problems (Unhappy people routine):

When disaster hits us our first response towards it is entirely based on our emotions. So we tend to take things completely out of proportion. So we make our already ‘big’ problem…. bigger in our heads. Which makes us to believe that it is way more hard to deal with the ‘bigger’ problem than it is in reality. So we’re just things difficult for ourselves.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Negative emotions have adverse effects on the thinking process, hence the action plan is also effected negatively. Holding a grudge against a person, some event in your life or even against your own self leaves you miserable.

Practicing this negative behavior on regular basis leads to an eventual decrease in your efficiency.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Unhealthy body leads to unhealthy mind. And your mind has the power to keep your heart happy and make you feel fulfilled. Hence taking care of the body has a very positive effect. The first step towards the maintenance of a healthy body is by eating good. More like eating right. Then comes physical activities to keep the body in shape such as jogging or playing a sport with consistency.

Eat right, look great, and feel great.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Get rid of unhappy people routines today.

The trick to succeeding in life is by keeping your priorities straight. However, it is not that easy. Since it’s very easy to get caught up in the cycle of life. It is highly likely that any person would not be struggling at keeping their eyes set at the prize, you tend to get distracted easily.

Delaying your goals we are potentially discarding our talents without having a realizing. Get rid of unhappy people routine today.


Being driven by fear is one of the most vital things which prevents you from achieving your goals, it restricts not just your physical but mental capabilities too.

You are unable to take risks. Unable to make decisions. Hence unable to get closer to your dreams. Which eventually leads to shattering of confidence and making you unhappy.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Overthinking about your future may cause a sense of depression and anxiety. For instance if you keep thinking about the consequences you might face you not just exert yourself but you end up preventing yourself from enjoying the present to the fullest. This habit makes you ungreatful and leaves you unfulfilled.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Nothing exudes unhappiness and insecurity more than negative self talk. Having regrets may not sound like a big deal but this corrodes a person’s peace and adds onto shattering of self confidence.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Get rid of unhappy people routine today.

In the materialistic society, which we are a part of. It’s all about doing things which makes us feel good about ourselves and everyone is trying to prove a point to someone or the other. This is unhealthy. It adds to toxicity to the society. Try not to be a part of it. Get rid of unhappy people routine today.


Criticism is good but to an extent only. We cannot expect perfection in everything. It is always good to have moderate expectations from others and yourself too. Setting extremely high standards for yourself and others can lead to disappointment in case the standards are not met which leads to dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t. Get rid of unhappy people routine today.

One common trait seen in most successful people is that they rarely complain about the difficulties in life. Rather they channel that energy in making something better out of it. By coming up with either coping strategies or overcoming the problem altogether.

We have to go to embrace the difficulties our life throws at us. Running away is not an option. While complaining about it will do us no good other than making us look like a mess.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t. Get rid of unhappy people routine today.


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15 Habits A Conscientious Person Has Without Realizing It

15 Habits A Conscientious Person Has Without Realizing It

We all want to live our best, most conscientious lives, don’t we? It isn’t easy to rise above the daily stresses and challenges of life. We must each learn to overcome obstacles and realize our goals, one by one. Many of us have aspects of our personality or habits that we would like to change to improve aspects of our lives. Still, we may lack the self-discipline and resolve to make authentic, lasting changes.

What does it mean to be conscientious?

Conscientiousness is the personality trait of being deliberate and diligent. It implies a desire to do things well and to honor commitments to the self and others sincerely. Conscientiousness is a desirable character trait, for it means that you are thoughtful in your words, thoughts, and actions when living your life. While most people have some areas of their lives where they display traits of conscientiousness, it is admirable to show this kind of integrity in all aspects of life.

How do conscientious people think and act?

In general, a conscientious person applies deliberate, careful thought to all situations, from a minor position to the most significant aspects of life, and seeks to act in integrity and honesty regarding all situations. While this is a character trait that can be developed, most people who display this type of deliberate thinking have done so for some time; they were born and raised with examples of people around them living and acting in integrity. People who display conscientiousness may even have ingrained habits and patterns that they engage in that they are not even aware of; it’s simply woven into the fabric of their being.

15 Dominant Traits of a Conscientious Person

Are you conscientious? Do you apply deliberate and diligent thought and action to life’s situations? Do others find you admirable and want to be in your company in hopes of learning how to manage their lives better? Take a look at these traits of conscientiousness and see how many of them you embody, or what you must do to become one of those people that you admire.

Trait #1: Organization

A place for everything, and everything in its place. You have designed a system of organization for most things in your life, and you get slightly stressed if someone isn’t privy to your mode of stacking, storing, and measuring. If taken to the extreme, this organization can morph into obsessive-compulsive disorder or perfectionism. Along with this talent for the organization comes a need to balance it out; those socks can stay on the floor for five more minutes. Try not to have a meltdown.

Trait #2: To-do lists

If something goes on a “to do” list, you WILL achieve this goal. You cross it off with a great deal of satisfaction, knowing that you put your heart and soul into the task. And now you get to move on to the next conquest. You are a person of your word; you honor your commitments to yourself and others, and others seek you out for your dependability and responsiveness.

Trait #3: Self-discipline

You are the epitome of self-discipline. Whether your goal is to read a new self-development book, to improve an aspect of your professional life, or to lose ten pounds, you have it covered. You will find systems of success to reach each goal, and if these systems don’t yet exist, you will create them. Discipline and steadfast attention to each task allow you to enjoy the journey of accomplishment, and you stride forward with the confidence that you will find a way to meet all of your goals.

Trait #4: Best effort

When others are signing up for the half marathon, you put your name down for 26 miles. Home economics class may have meant scrambled eggs for your classmates, but you were interested in crafting a delicate and flaky quiche for your presentation. Whatever you choose to do, you give it your best effort, and if you are not adept at the skills required to accomplish a task, you’ll set about to acquire this skill set to reach your ultimate potential. Watching you achieve is a source of inspiration to others as they seek the same kind of resolve they see from you.

Trait #5: Deliberate thinking

You may be a person of few words, but they are well-chosen. You are a very deliberate thinker; when a problem is presented to you, you survey all angles before arriving at your conclusion and course of action. Being a careful thinker allows you to take action with confidence, knowing you have exhausted all possibilities and arrived at all findings before coming to a resolution. Be proud of your intellectual abilities, for a person like you is becoming increasingly harder to find.

Trait #6: Success

Being the type of person that others wish to allow you to exude a sense of confidence, which is extremely attractive. You seem to attract success like a magnet, and your humility and honesty make your station in life that much more admirable, as you don’t take your position for granted. You have earned the respect of others, and you return this in kind as you forage successful relationships. Indeed, you may even have made it your mission in life to help others achieve their goals as well; nobility and kindness look good on you. Keep up the excellent work.

Trait #7: Financially responsible

Being a person of your word is essential to you. You understand the value of obligations and expectations, and your financial affairs reflect these qualities and beliefs. You pay your bills on time, you honor your commitments to others, and you find your economic issues growing positively. As you continue to use your resources wisely, you’ll keep growing and expanding to your full potential.

Trait #8: Clean

Cleanliness and order are essential to you. Indeed, you like your surroundings and your home to reflect this value. You take pride in your home, and even if it is modest, you care for it and lovingly maintain it, knowing that as you do so, you are paving the way for more good to come to you.

Cleanliness may be a habit that is so ingrained that you don’t realize it is a part of your daily routine; dishes are always washed, the floor is always swept, and beds are always made. You’ve made the mundane fun and enjoyable; please teach the rest of us to cherish our home and create inviting spaces, no matter what we currently live in.

Trait #9: Practice self-care

A conscientious person cares about his/her body as a temple and practices self care and presentation with care as well. Clean and combed hair, clean clothing, and a polished appearance are just as important as grooming your home; you present an image of loving kindness to yourself that is inspiring to others, so keep shining in the self-care department to show others how to love and care for themselves.

Trait #10: Healthful eating

Just as you give thought to how you design your day, you give careful thought to how you design and care for your body. The practice of healthy eating is very important to you. So you shop for, prepare, and cook meals as if you were serving a king or queen. Gobbling chicken wings over the sink is not an option for you. It is time to set out the linens, light a candle, and practice mindful eating in an environment that is good for the body and the soul.

Trait #11: Organized workspaces

Regardless of the number of deadlines you have, you always seem to be able to maintain a clean workspace. Papers are filed, the desk is dusted, and your personal effects are tasteful and pleasing to look at. You have designed the ultimate space for creativity and productivity. Plus, it is a place that you look forward to going to each day as you anticipate the wonderful things you will do at work.

Trait #12: Punctuality

A conscientious person is almost always on time. If it is within their power to arrive on the dot, they will do so. Meetings, dinners, social engagements, work, play….it doesn’t matter. Being on time is part of the whole package. Of course, you can count on them to be watchful and respectful of others’ time as well.

Trait #13: Dependability

If you are conscientious, you can be trusted to do what you say you will. You will not take on more than you can handle, and that which you do take on you do to the best of your ability. Sure, you have challenges that may arise. However, you are diligent about working around them and coming up with solutions that work for all.

Trait #14: Fearless about challenges

True grit is evident here in that you don’t run from challenges—you meet them head-on. Many people who live in this kind of integrity tackle the most challenging and unpleasant aspects of life first, knowing that leisure will come later. The best part about getting your work done satisfactorily is that you can attack your entertainment with the same passion as the early day.

Trait #15: Body conscious

Your body is your temple, and it is essential to keep looking young and fit as long as possible. You have adopted a regular exercise routine, and it is a regular part of your day. As sure as the sun rises in the East, you commit to a workout each day in hopes of attaining the perfect human form….or at least your version of perfect.

Final Thoughts: Thank You if You Are One Such Conscientious Person

Deliberate life-liver, you get our respect for sucking the marrow out of life. You inspire the rest of us to live better, cleaner, more regulated lives, and for that, we thank you. We are grateful for the opportunity to see your example, that we may raise the bar and improve our quality of life.


20 Habits of Extroverts That Most People Misunderstand

20 Habits of Extroverts That Most People Misunderstand

Extroverts are social animals. They love being around people.  Because they may come on strong, some people aren’t sure what to do with them. They are often misunderstood.  So, what are 20 habits of extroverts that most people misunderstand?

How you can tell if you are an extrovert

If you are an extrovert, you have some common characteristics that all extroverts share. Those who have this personality type display the following traits:

  • Love to communications and talking, they often think out loud.
  • Love being the center of attention, it’s in their nature.
  • Can be impulsive and tend to leap before they look
  • Love group activities
  • Can’t stand being alone too long
  • Get inspired by others’ thoughts and ideas.
  • Like to talk out your feelings


Common Traits of Extroverts

Here are some often shared traits among extroverts.

1. They like to talk and listen

Extroverts like to communicate. Talking is essential to them because they love to relate to and learn from people. They want to express their ideas, but they also want to hear other people’s thoughts. Extroverts make great listeners because they understand communication.

They value your ideas and will often grab hold of something you’ve said. And, they will share with you how much they love your stories. This is why they have an abundance of friends. They’re just so doggone fun to talk to because they like to listen to other people.

2. Extroverts are private people

You may think that all extroverts are open and share personal things, but that’s not true. They have deep feelings that they won’t always share with a crowd. They have close friendships with people who know them the best. They are apt to be fun and outgoing with most people, but those closest to them know their heart and what’s important to them.

3. Extroverts love attention in public

If you know an extrovert, you know they love getting praised in public. It’s just who they are. They love attention. Because public settings are vital to them, they feel more valued when appreciated in public. So, if you have an extroverted friend, be sure to tell others how great they are when you’re in public. Of course, like all of us, they also love affirmation in private, so do that too.

4. They are excellent on teams

Studies found that extroverts learn best in group settings. They love study groups and group activities at school or work. These people enjoy being on a team because they love to be with people.  They like discussing ideas and listening to other’s ideas. They’ll work hard on their team and often rise to the top as a good leader for the team because they’re good at drawing people into the group.


5. Get energy from being with people

You know they extroverts at the bar, they’re the ones moving from table to table talking and laughing with every person. They’re having fun just being with people. Extroverts get energized when they’re around people. Talking, sharing their ideas, and listening to other people inspires them to the point where they feel more energetic.

Being alone too much will cause them to feel out of sorts and depressed. Interacting with people is like air to an extrovert, too little, and they’ll begin to feel lifeless.

6. A person can be shy yet still an extrovert

Believe it or not, some extroverts are shy. Just because you’re an extrovert doesn’t mean you don’t feel reserved when first meeting new people. If you are slow at getting to know people, it could mean you’re shy. That’s okay. Generally, though, most of them don’t mind meeting new people. While introverts find this exhausting, an extrovert like people enough to not mind being with new people even if they’re on the shy side.

7. Need to problem-solve their problems

If you’re an extrovert, you like to solve your problems out loud. You wish to discuss, reason, question, and wonder by talking.

For this reason, these people are often also auditory learners or processors.  Auditory learners like to talk about problems. They enjoy listening but can’t wait to share ideas. Here are some other characteristics of an auditory learner.

  • They’re better at remembering someone’s name but not their face.
  • They get distracted by noises easily.
  • They don’t like long narratives in books or plays.
  • They love plays and lots of dialogue in books.
  • They do the best listening to explanations from the teacher.
  • They like to recite poems, lists, or readings.
  • Talk to themselves or others
  • May read moving their lips since it feels like they’re talking
  • Like to listen to music while learning
  • Like lectures
  • Love it when their teacher praises them in front of the class
  • Good oral speller; needs to hear how to spell more than see it.
  • Gives lots of detail when the teacher calls on them

Of course, not all auditory learners are extroverts, but it’s more usual for these personality types to be auditory learners. They may lean towards other learning styles, but this is usually the most pronounced one.

8. Like to hang out with a group

Extroverts love a crowd. They don’t do well being alone, but love groups. They feel at peace in a group and can find interesting discussions and opportunities to learn and share ideas. They function well on teams and in groups at school or work.

9. May try to draw introverts in to help them

If you’re an introvert, you may have had an extroverted friend try to “help” you get involved in a group Extroverts think that if someone is alone, it’s a bad thing. This is because they don’t like being alone. It’s easy to misunderstand their motives, but it is because they care that they’re trying to pull you into the group.

10. Do get bored

If there aren’t enough opportunities to communicate, an extrovert will get bored. They get tired of doing activities that don’t require discussion or interaction. You see this in classrooms where the extroverts want to keep talking or clowning around when the teacher has told them to work alone. Extroverts can’t resist trying to get their neighbor’s attention to speak or be funny. They just need to interact.

11. Share a lot of detail

Extroverts are talkers. They can talk and talk. They often go into in-depth detail about a subject because they have been thinking about it assume you want to know as much about it as they do.

They will give descriptions from different angles, list the pros and cons, and then give a detailed account as to how they came upon all these thoughts. It can be exhausting for those listening unless, of course, they’re also extroverts.

12. They doubt themselves at times

It’s easy to assume that extroverts are completely confident all the time. This is a common misunderstanding. Extroverts are so outgoing. They often get lots of criticism. This can be unnerving as they try to change and figure out what would work better.  They tend to be overly eager to change up things they think people won’t like to the point where they doubt themselves.

13. Not all extroverts are the same

There are different types of extroverts. Some extroverts are more ambitious than others. All extroverts do like social situations, but they will use them differently.  Shy extroverts will surround themselves with a group of outgoing extroverts to make themselves more comfortable. No one size fits all, and this is a commonly misunderstood thing about extroverts.

Here are 17 habits of introverts that most people misunderstand.

14. Brains sense pleasure around people

Studies found that an extrovert’s brain reacts differently to seeing people. Their brain senses pleasure when they get around people. Being around people is what makes them happiest. They will find great pleasure in friends and family interactions. Extroverts rarely meet a stranger and enjoy talking with them.

15. Socializing can make an extrovert tired

Believe it or not, socializing can make extroverts tired. They need to recharge, just like introverts. But an extrovert will probably recharge with a small group of people instead of by themselves.

16. Not all born leaders

These folks can be good leaders, but so can introverts. It’s easy to stereotype personalities. Some extroverts prefer to follow rather than lead. Extroverts do like people, but being on a team or in a group is just fine with them. They don’t always need to be the leader.

17. Enjoy noise

Extroverts like noise. They don’t like it when it’s too quiet. They say that when it’s too quiet, they get distracted. Whether it’s playing music while they study or being in a loud restaurant for a meeting, extroverts prefer this over a quiet atmosphere.

18. They’re good teachers, public speakers, or salesmen

It only makes sense that people who love to talk will enjoy professions that require lots of talking. Of course, extroverts can be in any profession, but some jobs just lend themselves to outgoing, talkative people. Sales, speaking, and teaching are perfect professions for extroverts because they get to do what they love most-talk and discuss ideas.

19. Not great planners

Extroverts can be impulsive. They jump at things before they’ve thought through the details. They may say yes to everyone without looking at their calendar first. But because of this, they’re huge doers. They love staying busy and helping others. So, if you display these habits, be sure to keep your calendar with you and take a look once in a while, so you don’t over-commit yourself.

20.  Love it when people drop in to say hello

This personality type loves it when someone drops by.  Where an introvert would find this overwhelming, an extrovert is in heaven. They love people, and being surprised by an unexpected visitor adds energy to them because they have someone to talk to.

honest personFinal Thoughts on the Traits of Extroverts

Rest assured, when you meet an extrovert, you will know it! Their bubbly personalities and ability to make friends are dead giveaways.


13 Habits Of Parents Who Give Kids A Better Chance of Being Successful

13 Habits Of Parents Who Give Kids A Better Chance

All good parents want their children to be successful. They hope to provide their kids with the tools they need to reach lofty goals and live a happy, comfortable life. But that’s much easier said than done!

It’s stressful being a parent as it is, just on its own – a rewarding but incredibly challenging journey. Add the pressure of creating higher chances of success for your child to the pile of your responsibilities, and it can all get pretty overwhelming.

Luckily, kids are capable of achieving success without fancy tuition classes, expensive private tutors, and too-high expectations. There is plenty you can begin doing today to foster them into a better life.

Here are 13 habits of parents who give kids a better chance of being successful.

1.    They Foster A Close Parent-Child Relationship

For children to be able to tackle the world, they first have to feel that they have a safe and secure relationship with their parents and family. This bond provides them a strong base for them and enables them to tackle the world better.

According to a study by the University of Minnesota, the positive effects of a stable and loving parent-child relationship has been proven by research to create the following long-term results:

  • Better academic results in childhood
  • Achieve higher academic attainment in adulthood
  • Create healthier relationships with others
  • Raise their future offspring in a healthy and supportive manner

2.    They Read To Their Kids

Reading bedtime stories is a simple, routine task that most don’t think twice about. Most children will end up outgrowing it quickly. The British Cohort Study, however, has shown that it nets positive results in children’s intellectual growth.

Here are some of the benefits that are gained as a result:

  • Better reading, literacy, and language skills before elementary school
  • Higher academic test results
  • Faster progress in spelling, vocabulary, and mathematics

3.    Successful Parents Pay Attention

Despite what positive thinking might tell you, showering a child in gifts is no substitute for genuinely listening to them. Research by the University of Delaware in 2014 has shown that paying attention creates children that:

  • Are more likely to become successful
  • Establish healthier interpersonal relationships
  • Achieve better academic test results
  • Are more inclined to pursue higher education

4.    They Make Kids Do Chores (instills a successful work ethic)

It’s tempting to let your child focus on studying or working and do the household chores by yourself. However, the Harvard Grant Study has proven that this results in children who do not learn to contribute and help their peers.

Instead, it is better to teach your children to do the chores and have them help you manage the house. This responsibility teaches your children to understand that to participate in life. They also need to do the work that is involved. The study also found that children raised on doing chores become:

  • More empathetic with those who are struggling
  • Better collaborators and co-workers
  • More capable of handling tasks independently
Learn how schools in Denmark now include empathy training in the classroom.

5.    They Limit Screen Time

A study conducted by Ohio State University in 2011 has shown that children who spend more time watching television develop poor communication skills. Time spent watching TV also inversely also reduces parent-children communication time. Instead, try doing the following:

·         Reduce TV-Viewing Time

Even if you’re watching the same show together, the suppressive effects of TV on your child’s communication skills are still an issue. This is because both parents and children don’t communicate while passively watching a show.

·         Read A Book Together

Reading together and talking about the story not only creates a healthy communication environment, but it also fosters a closer bond between both parent and child.

·         Play Together

Playtime with shared toys is another great way to teach a child communication and social skills, in addition to strengthening parent-child relationships.

6.    They Encourage Grit In Personality

Discovered by and defined by a psychologist from the University of Pennsylvania in 2013, grit is a success-driven personality trait that pushes one to maintain positive thinking and complete long-term goals.

What most people don’t realize is that there’s a reason not everyone is capable of imagining and committing to the future they want. Grit has to be taught and cultivated by parents in childhood, and then encouraged as they grow up and start pursuing goals.

Grit correlates with the following things that lead to successful lives:

  • Higher grade-point average in Ivy League undergraduates
  • West Point cadet retention
  • Higher educational attainment
  • Maintaining one’s US National Spelling Bee rank

7.    They Have High Expectations

Setting impossible standards is never healthy, primarily if you do not provide your children with any support. That said, a 2001 study by the University of California showed that maintaining positive thinking and high expectations for your children is essential. It can invoke the Pygmalion effect and create a self-fulfilling prophecy based on your expectations.

Regardless of income level, children of parents with high expectations tend to:

  • Have higher academic attainment
  • Score better on standardized tests
  • Have better class attendance
  • Be more likely to attend college

8.    They Practice Authoritative Parenting

Of the three parenting styles that were discovered by a study from the University of California, the authoritative parenting style is often the one that produces the most favorable result. This outcome means that the parent:

·       Is Not Authoritarian

Parents who practice authoritative parenting avoid forcing their children to conform to their specific ideals. As a result, their children do not feel controlled or restricted.

·         Is Directional

Practitioners of this parenting style provide a robust framework and firm guidelines. This gives the child a structure to refer to and seek guidance from while learning to develop their own.

·         Encourages Independence

While the child is given strong limits at first, those limits are gradually eased as the child grows older. The child is also encouraged to set, develop, and maintain their own limits as they become more mature.

9.    They Teach Social Skills

As it turns out, research from Duke University and Pennsylvania State University has proven that instilling good social skills in childhood better prepares them for their future. This shouldn’t really come as a surprise, considering that one of the important aspects of parenting is ensuring one’s child is ready for society.

Adults with good social skills are more likely to:

  • Find full-time employment sooner
  • Earn a college degree
  • Be more emotionally mature
  • Be better at sympathizing and empathizing
  • Cooperate with peers without the need for prompting
  • Be problem solvers

10. They Allow For Failure

Failure is part of becoming successful.

It’s tempting to micromanage a child’s life to avoid the disappointment and frustration associated with failures. However, research on helicopter parenting has proven that this actually is poor parenting, and can have damaging effects that last well into one’s adulthood.

This is especially so when most micromanaging parents end up doing tasks for their adult children, such as booking doctor appointments for them. While it does show some minor positive effects, such as increased success in college and finding employment, many of these children end up unable to live independently from their parents.

On the other hand, children who face age-appropriate failure are:

  • More inclined to use positive thinking in the face of struggles
  • More self-reliant when in the pursuit of tasks
  • Better at dealing with anxiety and depression
  • Better at bouncing back from a setback

11. They Work – Especially Mothers

The struggles and hardship of a working parent are not one to scoff at, but at least there are some silver linings to be found in providing good role modeling. Research by Harvard Business School has shown that children of working parents – mothers in particular – are more likely to:

  • Stay in school for longer
  • Earn better income
  • Help more with childcare and household chores
  • Study longer
  • Hold better job positions

12. They Teach Self Control

A 32-year study that was published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that the results of having better self-control are profound enough to have a positive effect on the children’s outcomes as adults – even if they shared the same family background.

The same study also found that teaching children how to control their impulses not only made them more stable but also resulted in:

·         Better Health

Children with good self-control would go on to lead healthier lifestyles and be better inclined to avoid unhealthy snacks and developing unhealthy eating patterns.

·         More Money

As a result of having developed better impulse control in childhood, these children would go on to become adults that are less likely to splurge needlessly.

·         Better Behavior

Adults with better self-control are less likely to engage in impulsive, dangerous, or problematic behavior.

·         A Lack Of Substance Abuse Problems

Better self-control results in children who are less likely to develop substance abuse issues as adults.

13. The Parents Have A Good Relationship

Arguments and conflicts are inevitable in just about any relationship. However, research by the University of Illinois has shown that children of parents in high-conflict relationships often fare worse than their peers – regardless of the marital status of said parents. They are also far more likely to develop and harbor loss and regret as young adults.

As a result, it is probably best to do the following for the sake of your children:

·         Resolve Conflict Calmly And Quickly

Studies have proven that conflict affects children negatively, and results in poor adjustment for children.

· Don’t Avoid An Inevitable Divorce

If it is healthier for you and your partner to stay apart, then there is no point in staying together for your children. The negative effects of conflict will have a stronger impact on your children than that of a divorce.

·         Maintain Minimal Contact

Not all divorces are amicable. If each contact results in conflict between you and your partner, it is best to keep said contact to a minimum to avoid negatively affecting your children.

Therapists explain how to put an end to sibling rivalry.

Final Thoughts On Some Habits Of Parents Who Give Kids A Better Chance Of Being Successful

So you haven’t been doing these habits? No worries! It’s never too late to start, and your child will still benefit from a gentle and gradual inclusion of these habits into your and their lives. Your love, encouragement, and thoughtful care of them will contribute greatly to their futures.

Remember, your child is their own unique, individual person. Their chances of becoming successful go up when they are supported and given unconditional love – and, of course, when they are raised well! But do keep in mind that stereotypical depictions of success aren’t compulsory for your child to live a happy, healthy life.


10 Quirky Habits to Avoid That Probably Annoy Your Partner

10 Quirky Habits to Avoid That Probably Annoy Your Partner

All is fair in love and war,” or at least that’s what the famous adage says. Being head over heels in love with someone is fantastic, but that doesn’t mean that their quirky little habits won’t drive you batty.

Did you know that most relationships end over silly things, and many of these personal habits can be changed?

Now, you should never go into a relationship with the hopes that you will change someone’s ways. If they’ve been leaving the cap off the toothpaste for 20 years, it’s highly doubtful that you are going to make them turn over a new leaf. Thankfully, some people are willing to change or do better and put their quirky little habits to the side of the sake of love.

Ten Quirky Habits That Annoy Others

These twelve red flags might reveal that your partner is secretly hiding something from you.

So what are the most annoying personal habits that can drive another person mad? You might be surprised that things like throwing clothes on the floor and drinking out of the milk jug didn’t make the cut. You probably won’t be shocked by the items on the list, and if you do some of these things, then maybe it’s time to change.

1. Avoiding Domestic Obligations

While cleaning isn’t high on anyone’s list, it certainly is an essential part of a relationship when you live together. Guys tend to leave the toilet seat up and the sink full of dishes. A clean home is always a happier home.

Did you know that when you have a clean and organized space, it can help you to relax? There is some psychology behind having your home in order. Some people cannot function in chaos, be it in their home or work. So if you’re not a domestic god or goddess, then this is something that can annoy the other person.

2. Releasing Bodily Gasses

Everyone has gas from time to time. Whether it’s breaking wind from your backside or burping, it’s not a pleasant experience for those around you. There is no way you can stop the inner churnings of your body, but you can be discreet about how you relieve yourself.

If you feel the urge to burp, then cover your hand with your mouth to avoid any foul smells from protruding out. It’s also polite to say excuse me when this happens. If you must break wind, then, if possible, excuse yourself to the other room. No woman or man wants someone passing gas continuously while they are watching a movie or at dinner.

A “slip out” occasionally is acceptable and considered normal. However, if you’re always having these issues, then buy some gas reliever pills or leave the room as a courtesy. You may need to change your diet or see your doctor if your need to relieve gas becomes excessive.

Here are twenty things that cause humans to fart.

3. Talking About Ex-Lovers

Everyone has a past, but you don’t want to hear about their past time and again. While you need to be transparent with your partner about who you’ve been with, they don’t want to listen to his or her name repetitively.

The worst thing a person can do is compare you to their ex-lover. Get everything out on the table at the beginning of your relationship, and you should leave the past behind you and move forward. If you continuously mention a past lover, then they may feel that you still have feelings for that person that you haven’t resolved, which may be the truth.

4. Sleeping Too Late

One of the worst personal habits that can drive your partner crazy is when one person sleeps half the day. Are you a night owl, and your partner is an early bird? You must be on somewhat of the same page for your relationship to work.

If your partner hits the gym at 6 am and has half of the day done by the time you get out of bed, it can be a real issue. Try to get on a similar schedule that works for both of you. Staying up too late and sleeping all day can mess with your circadian rhythms and even your mental health.

5. Inappropriate PDA Balance

Public displays of affection mean a lot to some people, and others try to avoid them. It would help if you discussed your preferences on this matter at the beginning of the relationship, or it can be a quirky habit that is a source of contention.

Some people don’t like to draw attention to themselves or their bodies while in public. If you want to melt into the room and your partner wants to be the center of attention, things can get uncomfortable.

6. Always Negative

It’s hard to be positive 100 percent of the time, but it can bring you down when someone is always negative. Do you find that your partner tends to be a pessimist while you are more of an optimist? No one likes to be around a “Debbie Downer” or a “Negative Nelly,” so you need to bring attention to this quirky habit.

Call them out on their negativity, and you should give them tips and tricks for looking towards the sunny side of life. Sure, there are things that you can focus on that can be extremely uncomfortable to deal with, but your attitude will dictate everything.

Recognize the signs of a spark between two people.

7. They Talk Down to You

No one wants to be with someone who puts them down or acts superior. If you feel like you don’t do anything right in your partner’s eyes, then it may be time to move on. People who are talking down to you are trying to cope with insecurities within themselves.

There is usually a reason why people are looking or speaking condescendingly to you, and most of the time, the issue has nothing to do with you. Some may call this a quirk, but it isn’t polite to put yourself in a lofted position and look down on those around you, especially your partner.

8. Constantly on The Phone

There is nothing more infuriating than someone who is on their phone 24/7. If you are trying to talk to them, but they are too busy playing games, answering texts, or taking calls, it speaks volumes about their interest in you. There should be a dedicated time for you to talk on the phone, and there should be time to spend with your partner.

Don’t play second fiddle to an electronic device as they may have a smartphone addiction. Your relationship must be significant enough to put the phone down, and your partner should listen to what you have to say.

9. Doesn’t Like Your Friends

Your partner is not going to like every one of your friends, but there should be some mutual respect. Understand that your significant other has a life outside of you. Just because you’re in a committed union doesn’t mean that you should lose your individuality.

There is usually an underlying battle about friendships. Guys don’t like giggly girls hanging out at the house, and women don’t want the buddies hanging around playing poker. Some people forget their buddies when they start dating seriously. If your partner doesn’t like your friends, they don’t need to be down on them or wanting you to avoid spending time with them either.

10. They Don’t Care About Their Outward Appearance

Call it quirky or downright disgusting, but some people have horrible hygiene. There’s nothing worse than someone who doesn’t have very high regard for the way they look or smell when they’re in public. It can be very embarrassing if your partner hasn’t washed their hair in days, or their shirt is so dirty that it could stand up in the corner alone.

You can ask someone to shower more, use deodorant, or wear some perfume/cologne, but you can’t make a person who has lackluster hygiene change. If someone would rather wear a wrinkled shirt and soiled jeans to the store with bedroom slippers, you should have a serious talk with them about their appearance and how it affects you.

Final Thoughts on Working Through Annoying and Quirky Habits

Coming together to form a union, whether through marriage or a verbal commitment, can be a difficult task. You will always find all these little quirks and habits that drive you crazy about your lover. What you can’t do is let these habits define your relationship.

There are some quirks that you can and should put up with as part of being a couple. However, there’s a big difference in missing the trash pickup a couple of times and talking down to you. You must evaluate if the relationship is healthy enough to sustain the good and bad times.

Many people think that they’re in love when they start dating. Consequently, true love doesn’t occur until you’ve seen a person at their best and their worst. Once you’ve sat beside someone at a hospital, funeral, or held their head while they were sick and vomiting, it’s only during these storms of life that you truly learn to love and respect each other.

Lust fades, but a commitment build on true love will withstand the test of time. Does your partner have quirky habits, of course, they do? You must ask yourself if these little habits are relationship breakers.


16 Money Habits Every Parent Should Teach Their Kids

16 Money Habits Every Parent Should Teach Their Kids

What is a money habit? It’s a sustainable, repeatable way to you manage some aspect of your money. The money habits you keep – whether good or bad – can tell you a lot about your finances. You can see the results of your habits in your savings, earnings, and how much you invest.

We pass our habits along to our kids as they model their behavior off what they watch us do. That transfer of knowledge and habits can either be intentional or involuntary – it’s up to you.

If you want to set your children up to be successful adults, then a great thing to do is to help them establish good money practices at an early age. Children are ready to learn as early as age 3. Start with small habits like counting out dollars and coins, and work your way up from there.

There are a lot of tips and tricks that will help you achieve this goal as your child goes through every stage of development. There are also some pitfalls to avoid so you can steer your kids clear of bad money habits.

In this article, we are going to introduce strategies to handle good and bad financial habits and parenting advice that you can use to help your children at any age.

16 Money Habits Every Parent Should Share with Their Children

money habits

1) Create a Budget

To make sure that you are not over-spending, create a budget for your household. This is a great exercise for older kids and teenagers to understand living expenses and how to manage them.

Itemize all of the costs of living, from the rent or mortgage to the electricity bill. Calculate the average monthly price of each. Then you have a budget.

You can get kids of all ages in on this process by creating a mini-budget for them. For example, make a budget for a summer project or a micro-business like a lemonade stand. It’s all about the practice of understanding how much things will cost and spending and saving accordingly.

2) Provide Cash Flow

To understand income ane expense, your child needs some income. Give your children some money like a small allowance and help them manage it. If (and when) they mismanage it, help them understand the consequences and correct course without reprimanding them. It’s a learning process.

3) Set Up a Savings Account

One in 3 Americans have $0 in savings, and only a fraction have enough saved up to deal with an emergency.

Your savings account is the one in which you are going to save your money instead of spending it. Help kids understand the concept of a savings account by making your budget and calculating what it would cost if something didn’t go as planned. That’s what a savings account is ultimately for, but you can also make it more engaging by helping them save up for something more fun.

4) Auto-transfer

One of the easiest ways to save money is to set up auto-transfer. For example, if you are trying to save $1000 in six months to buy a new laptop, set up your account. It will automatically transfer $42 a week into your savings account.

You can teach a child about this by helping them set up a checking and savings account. Deposit their allowance into the checking account and show them how to schedule an auto-transfer. Tie the savings to a goal like purchasing a toy they really want so they can understand the concept more tangibly and treat it like a fun game!

5) Use Shopping Lists

Instead of going shopping without a list and buying things you don’t need right now, make a list of items that are important to buy and stick to it. This simple habit helps save money and stick to a budget.

Practice this with your kids every time you take them to a store. Get them in on the activity by making a list together. If they’re old enough to do basic math, talk about the budget for the shopping trip and give them a calculator so they can subtract the value of each item as you pick it up. Making (and sticking to) a list builds impulse control and helps kids understand the importance of a dollar.

6) Buy with Cash

Buying with cash creates a tangible connection between an item and its value. Psychologists have studied this concept and proven that when people pay with cash, they have a greater respect for the goods and services bought. Allowing your kids to fork over dollars to the cashier to pay for things can start at a young age and build an understanding of the financial exchange taking place.

7) Track Expenses Daily

Keep an eye on the expenses that you pay daily. Use an app or journal to keep a list of every purchase you make for a week – no matter how big or small. Have your kids do the same.

If they’re wondering where their allowance went, they may find the answer quickly reveals itself in regular purchases of sodas or video game add-ons. Seeing it all laid out helps visualize the cash flow so you can adjust it into your budget and shopping lists better.

save money

8) Define “Bad” Money Habits

Understanding poor financial habits and how to avoid them is important, too. Discuss bad these money habits and break them before they start:

  • Spending more than you earn
  • Depending on debt to pay expenses
  • Taking loans
  • Not saving for the future
  • Not having goals
  • Thinking negative
  • Blaming others or making excuses

9) Track What You Spend

Spending money without knowing where it’s going is a quick way to slide into financial distress. Keeping a budget and taking inventory of what you spend is a necessary habit to be responsible with your money and stay on track with your goals.

Create a self-auditing process and share it with your kids so that money becomes a concept that’s manageable and understandable instead of stressful and out of control.

10) Save With Intention

Even if it’s just a couple of dollars a month, saving is an important habit both mentally and financially. Spending every single penny you have earned can start you or your kids down a path of lack instead of abundance.

If an emergency comes up or an unexpected opportunity arises and you have no money saved to take care of it, then what are you going to do? Saving isn’t just about emergencies, it’s about opportunities as well. You don’t want your kids to miss out on opportunities or befall a tragedy just because they didn’t have some padding in their budget.

Decide on a reason to save and help your child set a savings goal to give them an understanding of this important concept.

11) Understand the Consequences of Credit

At the time of need, credit cards can look like a miracle. The truth is, more often than not they quickly become a burden and can create emergency financial situations all their own.

Paying interest on a purchase you made months (or years) ago really stings. You can help kids understand this concept by doing the math visually.

Take the price of a toy they want to buy now. Calculate how much that toy would cost if they paid it with cash in hand versus over a period of a year or two with an APR of 19%. Explain the difference: they can either save up and buy the toy for less money, or forego a chunk of their allowance for the foreseeable future.

Instead of teaching your kids to rely on credit, teach them to budget, and rely on cash.

12) Achieve a Goal

You don’t have to make a lot of money to manage it well. Having good management skills will help in achieving one’s goals. A person who has better money habits will be set up to have a better, more stable quality of life. Tie your child’s new financial habit to a goal like buying or doing something they want.

13) Model Your Advice

If you want your kid to learn good money habits, you have to show them practically. It’s important to model the behaviors for them in a transparent way and help give them tangible examples they can work through themselves. Experience is the best teacher, after all! Remember, children follow the same thing as their parents. Become a role model. Inspect your own behaviors and feelings about money. If needed, make adjustments.

14) Get Teenagers Involved with the Household Budget

Teenagers are on the precipice of independent living, so financial know-how is especially important for them to grow into successful adults.

It is your responsibility as a parent to help prepare them for the practical necessity that is managing money. Since teenagers are more mentally mature, they can handle more complex, real-world information to help them learn and prepare.

It may seem scary, but getting your teen in on managing the household budget is a fantastic exercise for this age group. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Tell your kid about every expense.
  • Inform them about the household’s monthly income.
  • Walk through the monthly and yearly budget, plus any retirement and college funds that you’re paying into.
  • Help your child open their bank accounts (checking and savings) if they don’t already have them.
  • Every week discuss your expenses and tell them how you manage them.
  • Give your teen tasks like grocery shopping or running an errand with a list that helps them develop the habit on their own.
  • Research and share stories of financially prosperous people and what you can learn/integrate from their approaches.


15) It’s Never Too Late to Learn – Help Your Adult Children with Money Habits

So, maybe you got to this a little later in the game. Parenting advice isn’t just for parents of young kids – there’s still valuable information you can pass on to your children even if they’re adults. Here are some ideas for how to help your adult children manage money:

  • Help them make a budget according to their income and expenses.
  • Talk with them about money in a calm, non-confrontational way.
  • Discuss their larger purchases and financial goals like buying a car or moving to a new city and make a financial roadmap to help them get there.

16) Break Bad Money Habits.

If your child has picked up some poor money habits, then you can use that as a learning opportunity. We all make mistakes with money at one point or another. Bouncing back is part of the process.

Identify the issue and why it’s a problem.

Talk about how this bad habit would really affect them in the future. Ask what they want to do – fix it or continue down the path they’re on.

If they choose to fix it, make a plan together for how to get through the problem. Be sure to include action steps that you can measure. Talk regularly about how the plan is going and measure their success. Celebrate when they’ve achieved their goal and un-done the problem.

If they don’t choose to fix it, then you may need to let them suffer the consequences of their financial mistake. The stakes during childhood and teenage years are usually much, much lower than in adulthood. Better they learn now than when they have a family of their own.

What if you’re the one with the bad habits? Look at it as an opportunity. You can learn together and even use yourself as an example of why it’s important to manage money well. Parents aren’t perfect, after all!

What better way to humbly show your kids how to do something than to learn and develop those great habits side-by-side.

Final Thoughts on Teaching Smart Money Habits to Your Kids

Money is a fundamental part of life. It’s how we obtain basic necessities like food and shelter, as well as indulgences like travel and toys.

Parents and caregivers play a significant role in shaping their children’s habits around money. Managing money is a reality that every adult must deal with. Because of that, it’s better to be more transparent with your kids and help them learn the skills to manage their money rather than letting them think it, “grows on trees.”

People don’t just spontaneously know how to manage money. If you help your kids understand that early on, then they’ll have a head start in life. Every parent wants their child to be equipped to live a happy, healthy life. Money management is simply a part of that journey.


10 Habits of Strong Couples Never to Ignore 

10 Habits of Strong Couples Never to Ignore 

You’ve seen those pictures of the cute little elderly couple holding hands and smiling sweetly at one another as they celebrate sixty years of being together. They usually get asked the secret to their long relationship. It’s inspiring.  Many people wonder what strengthens a connection.  So, here are ten habits of strong couples to never ignore.

10 Habits of Strong Couples

1 – Communicate

One of the best practices of strong couples is their ability to communicate with one another. Communicating well means you can share what’s on your heart of mind without fear that the other person will laugh at you. Being vulnerable when you talk with someone deepens your relationship. Things you may want to talk about with your partner include

  • Goals
  • Expectations
  • Dreams
  • Disappointments
  • Fears
  • Joys

Communication also means feeling the freedom to share something your partner did that you don’t like without fear of them getting angry at you. One study found that couples who learn how to communicate during a conflict will sustain their relationship. It takes commitment to keep talking during a battle, instead of running away. You may need to take a break to calm down but then get back together later to talk it out. Strong couples value communication and make it work.

2 – Resist blame-shifting

Healthy, strong couples resist the urge to blame-shift. Blame-shifting is easy to slip into if you’re not careful, especially when you’re feeling upset. But it’s a damaging habit to a relationship. If you feel like your partner blames you without taking responsibility for their actions, you should gently push back. Point out their contribution to the problem and own up to your contributions. Tell your partner honestly how it makes you feel when they blame-shift. Sometimes people don’t realize what they’re doing or how they affect others. It’s essential to help them understand how their actions affect you. Stable couples can work through bad habits like blame-shifting and learn to change.

3 – Good listening

Listening is an essential skill in any relationship. It shows you care for them enough to hear what they’re saying to you. Checking your emails while they’re talking or glancing at the television while they pour out their heart won’t go over well. Your actions are clearly saying you don’t care. One study found that when a partner shows careful listening as their partner talks,  it improves their communication and boosts the overall happiness of the relationship. Healthy couples value good listening and desire to become better listeners.

4 – Assume the best about one another

Assuming the best about your partner means you aren’t believing that they’re being unfaithful, lying to you, or out to get you.  It means you trust them and their choices, and you don’t feel superior to them. This attitude can weaken your relationship. Your partner will feel they can’t do anything without being questioned and mistrusted. Strong couples have mutual trust for one another without jealousy or accusations about intentions.

5 – Laugh together

Strong couples know how to laugh together. They aren’t worried about how the other person will take a joke or loving “put down.” They deliver their humor with kindness, not being mean spirited. They don’t take themselves too seriously so they can’t laugh at themselves.  Like the old proverb says, “Laughter is good medicine,” one study revealed that laughter makes you healthier and helps fight stress. A strong couple knows how to use laughing to enhance their relationship and make it more fun.

6 – Emotional support

Supporting your partner emotionally means you encourage them in their difficulties at work or school, or home. Emotional support is essential because you feel like your partner understands you; they want the best for you and will do whatever they can to support you through tough times. Learning how to ask the right questions is vital for couples.

Healthy couples seek to learn how to help one another. They’re continually learning how to improve their relationship by reading books or encouraging quotes, listening to podcasts, or attending seminars on how to build better relationships.

7 – Encourage one another

Encouragement is a great way to build up your relationship. It’s something that a lot of couples don’t do. They assume their partner doesn’t need to be encouraged. Studies show that encouragement makes partners feel supported. Here are some encouraging things you can say to your partner.

  • I love you
  • You are amazing
  • I appreciate you did that
  • Thank you
  • You make me feel loved
  • You make me feel cared for
  • I’m so glad you are my partner
  • I missed you today
  • I appreciate your thoughtfulness

8 – Have the same friends

Having your friends is great, but strong couples make it a priority to have shared friends. Hanging out with other couples can help your relationship. As the couples share what’s going on in their relationship, you’ll find out that your relationship has many of the same struggles. You also learn from other couples how not to act. If you notice the cruel way one partner treats their partner,  it makes you not want to do that in your relationship.

9 – Show respect

Stable couples respect one another. Respect means you regard their feelings, rights, and opinions. Other ways to show respect include

  • If your partner asks you to do something they need, you are ready to help them
  • No eye-rolling
  • No sarcastic or snarky comments
  • Patient rather than irritable
  • Being compassionate
  • Allow them to contribute their ideas freely
  • Acknowledge how important they are
  • Apologize when you make mistakes
  • Take responsibility for hurtful words or actions toward your partner
  • Forgive quickly without strings attached
  • Show respect in public

10 – Commitment to the relationship

One of the best habits of a strong couple is that they are both committed to the relationship. They showed determination from the beginning. They want the partnership to succeed. Here are some ways to tell if your partner is committed to your relationship:

  • They build you up, not tear you down
  • They say “we” instead of “I”
  • Both partners value the relationship
  • Don’t look around at other potential choices of partners
  • Value the relationship above other relationships

Strong couples are willing to sacrifice for the sake of the relationship. One study found there was greater trust in a relationship for couples as they saw their partner moving away from self-interest for the relationship.

How can you help your relationship?

All relationships need to grow stronger. Even small things can make a big difference in a relationship. Here are some simple ways to strengthen your relationship.

  • Have a date night-Getting out once a week to do something as a couple will enhance your relationship.
  • Small things are meaningful-Little gifts, flowers or a dessert can be meaningful
  • Call or text-Reaching out to your partner to say hello means a lot to your partner
  • Ask questions-Even after being together for years. You can learn something about your partner
  • Show affection on a regular basis-Affection is critical for a couple. Without love, you may as well have a business relationship
  • Get time for yourself, too-Being a couple is important, but you need time alone, too. Get out once awhile on your one for a meal with a friend or family member.

Strong couples are easy to spot. You can’t ignore them. They’re the ones who show one another respect in public,  listen to one another, and are committed to making their relationship successful. They communicate well. They’re easy to spot because they don’t care what others say about them; they care more about one another and what the other partner thinks is important.

These partners stick together through the tough times. They find ways to grow their relationship, so it’s even stronger. Strong couples get old and gray together, and that’s something to never ignore.

Connect with your partner by asking questions

Our needs, dreams, and goals change in life. Strong partners keep attuned to those shifts. Ask questions to ensure you remain aware of your spouse’s evolving needs!

Sometimes it’s hard to come up with good questions. Here’s some you might want to ask your partner.

  • What would a romantic night look like to you?
  • Do you have any fears?
  • If you had an hour and wouldn’t get interrupted, what would you do?
  • Is there something I could do to help you with work, school, the house?
  • What do you sometimes feel anxious about?
  • Is there something you wish I did more? Less?
  • Do you feel like I meet your needs?
  • Am I affectionate enough?
  • Can you count on me?
  • Are you happy with our sex life? How can I help make it better?
  • Would you like to be a singer? An actor?
  • What is a perfect day, in your opinion?
  • What’s your favorite song? A beloved cartoon character?
  • If you were on a desert island, what two foods would you want to have with you?
  • What’s the worse experience you had in elementary school?
  • What do you think is vital in friendships?
  • What’s your most treasured childhood toy?
  • What was your most embarrassing moment in high school? College?
  • When was the last time you cried in public?
  • Who was your favorite teacher in middle school? Why?
  • What was your favorite pet growing up?
  • If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
  • Who is the most influential person in your life?

Final Thoughts on Adopting the Habits of Strong Couples

Others around them may envy strong couples. But the underlying truth is clear. They work hard together to maintain that happy status. Every relationship deserves such thoughtfulness and care. And any couple who wants to strengthen their partnership can apply these same principles.