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Therapist Explains How to Grieve the Loss of Your Love Relationship »

Therapist Explains How to Grieve the Loss of Your Love

Breaking up with your partner is like a death. It’s almost impossible to move on as if nothing happened. You both have been uprooted out of the ground into a new chapter in life. It’s okay to feel a range of emotions as you go through the process. We have a few ways to grieve the loss of your love relationship.

You’ll Face Five Stages as You Grieve Your Lost Relationship

The Kübler-Ross model of grief, also known as “The Five Stages of Grief,” explains what happens to our minds during the five stages after we lose something or someone special.

These stages are anger, bargaining, denial, sadness, and acceptance. You don’t necessarily grieve in any specific order. Sometimes you experience a stage multiple times.

During the grieving process, you may deny the person is gone from your life. You might get angry wondering what you could have done differently. Or, you might bargain with a higher power to help them come back to you.

Once you realize this is not going to work, you might feel depressed. You start listening to sad songs and watching old home videos.  Finally, you usually just accept this person is gone from your life. Sometimes we get stuck in denial thinking no one will ever love us again.

These stages have no time limit. It’s up to you when you decide to accept the loss and move on with your life. The truth is that you probably will fall in love again. You just have to give yourself time.


11 Ways to Take Care of Yourself as You Grieve for the Love You Lost

1 – Don’t Overthink

You may find yourself returning to the relationship a million times in your mind. You might start wondering where you went wrong. When we do this, we start to think we should go back. There’s a reason you broke up. No matter how many good times you had, there’s a reason underneath it all that the relationship is done. Don’t think about it all of the time. It’s time to hang out with yourself and move down the road. This doesn’t mean you won’t feel anything. You will still feel the stages of loss and you will grieve, but it means you don’t start playing the reel of your relationship in your head.

2 – Take Time To Detox

Many people deal with the loss of a love relationship by jumping into the next relationship. This doesn’t help you deal with any of the feelings left behind. The best thing you can do is have a period of detox. This means you take time to reflect and recharge your “love batteries.” You don’t need to date or pursue others at this time. You don’t need to go home with people from the bar. You need to focus on yourself. Before you get into a new relationship, you need to be 100% ready. You need to have a clear head on your shoulders. It’s only fair to you and the next person. If not, you will bring your drama into the next relationship.

3 – It Is Okay to Be Selfish While You Grieve

Love is often selfless. We put the other person above us. It’s time to be selfish once that relationship is over. Get out of bed when you feel like it. Go to the store without telling anyone. Stay out as late as you want. You get control of the remote watching whatever show you feel. You don’t have to answer to anyone. This is one of the only times in life when you get a pass to be selfish.

4 – Lean On Others

It’s okay to feel sadness with your support system. Lean on those you love to get out your feelings and emotions. When you want to cry and grieve, call up your best friend. Get those emotions out. You might need to yell at someone about the anger you’re feeling.

When someone you love passes away, people flock to you in support. They know this is the same during this love loss. They know sometimes it’s important to just be there sitting by you as you vent.

A hug is sometimes the best therapy available.

5 – Do Things You Enjoy

After a loss, it’s always best to find your smile again. Do things you love. Your self-esteem and heart might be bashed. When you do things that you love, you will feel happiness again. You might even forget for a few minutes that you’re going through a tough time.

You’ll actually learn to fall in love with yourself when you do things you love. You get to feel happy and enjoy a smile again. Whether it’s reading a book, going to the movies, playing a game of tennis or singing along with your guitar, do something you love.

6 – Let Go Of Emotional Baggage

Breakups leave big, ugly scars. If you don’t tend to these scars, they just look even scarier. It’s important to not dwell on the negative emotional baggage. You must learn to feel the pain then move on with a positive outlook. You’re able to decrease your amount of suffering by finding the lining in the clouds.

When you can tell yourself that “maybe it didn’t work out for a reason,” you’ll be able to move forward. If you get stuck in the negative emotional baggage of the relationship, it’ll be tough to move forward. You might face depression. You’re going to feel sadness and grieve some days. You’ll get triggered by a couple holding hands.

The important thing is to think of the positives in your break up. Remember why you broke up. By doing so, you’ll help your mind prepare for the next step in life.

7 – Forgive Yourself

Grieving means having to forgive yourself. It’s hard to let go. You blame yourself for every little thing. You might think everything was all your fault when it takes two to tango. Look back and think about both of your actions.

Think of the reasons why it didn’t work out. Even if you did things wrong, you have to let go of the blame. You cannot move on until you forgive yourself and grow from the experience as a whole.

thinking about the past

8 – Don’t Shut The Door On Love

Many times people that get out of a relationship will say they’ll “never” date again. They swear off all relationships. You should never speak in absolutes.

It didn’t work out with your ex for a reason. This doesn’t mean love isn’t going to work in the future. You’re burned right now. You have to get through this tough time and leave love open in the future. If you lose faith, you could be missing out.

There is a right time for your love.

One day you might find them when you least expect it. Until then, you focus on yourself. Don’t turn your head to anyone that tries to set you up. One day you’ll realize you’re ready again. In the beginning, it’s natural to think of speaking in absolutes.

9 – Don’t Seek Revenge

When you’re grieving, you often feel anger. You just want to hurt the other person because you’re hurting. Don’t seek revenge. Being angry and seeking revenge will not solve anything. It will make you seem petty and immature. Don’t trash talk them to your friends and family. Just accept they are gone, and accept that you don’t need to do anything about it. There’s a reason they aren’t with you anymore. You don’t need to go out and hurt them to dig the dagger even deeper into both of your hearts.

10 – Comfort Yourself

Remember there is no time limit to grieving. In the beginning, you might find it hard to even get out of bed. Take it a second at a time. Eat that pint of ice cream if you feel. Watch that sappy movie. Let your friends come over while you cry into their lap. You don’t have to be okay.

One day you’re going to be able to get out of bed. And, of course, someday you’re going to smile again. Your life was thrown into a blender. It’s okay to feel that pain. Always remember it’s okay to grieve.

11 – See The Differences

One of the best things that happen once you get through the grieving, you’ll realize there is a difference between a breakup and a death. When someone dies, it’s final. When you break up with someone, you get both get through it alive. You get to rise above it. One day you might see them walking along the street, and you won’t cry.

You’ll realize one day that you’re able to move forward. This breakup was the demise of that particular love relationship, but it’s not the final stage of love for you. One day soon, you’ll embrace living life to its fullest once again.

Final Thoughts on Taking Time to Grieve a Lost Love Relationship

It’s important to take time to grieve after any loss. A breakup is a loss that turns your world upside down. Once you face the truth of this loss and think through it, you’ll be able to move on. It might feel like you’re dying inside, but you’re about to live in the next chapter. Take time for yourself, then turn the page to the next chapter in life.


HCG Drops for Weight Loss: Everything You Need to Know

HCG Drops for Weight Loss: Everything You Need to Know

HCG Drops for Weight Loss: Everything You Need to Know

The worldwide demand for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is growing! Over the next five years, the market is expected to reach $560 million by 2023. As of 2017, the market reached $390 million.

hCG is available in many forms, including sprays and oral drops.

Though usually used for pregnancies, the growing demand is likely due to the use of hCG for weight loss. So what exactly is hCG, and do hCG drops for weight loss actually work?

Keep reading to find out!

What is HCG?

Also called “the pregnancy hormone,” hCG is a natural hormone that plays an important role in pregnancies and fertility. In fact, pregnancy tests check for hCG in a woman’s blood or urine to determine if she’s pregnant.

This protein-based hormone also helps the body produce other important hormones, like progesterone and estrogen. Both of these hormones are essential as the embryo and fetus develop. After the first three months of a woman’s pregnancy, hCG levels in the blood will decrease.

hCG is also FDA-approved to treat specific medical conditions in men and women.

For example, hCG can combat the symptoms of hypogonadism in men, including infertility or low testosterone levels. Taking hCG can help men produce more testosterone and increase their sperm production. As a result, hCG injections can reduce the chances of infertility.

Too much HCG in the bloodstream is considered a symptom of cancer, including:

  • Placental
  • Ovarian
  • Testicular

Today, HCG products such as this HCG sublingual are available in oral drops, pellets, and sprays. 

HCG for Weight Loss

hCG is used for weight loss purposes as well. So how does a hormone the body naturally makes during pregnancies help with weight loss? It’s all about your metabolism.

In fact, many products are available as over-the-counter homeopathic hCG products to improve weight loss efforts.

However, there are no FDA-approved hCG products that contain hCG. Rather, products such as hCG drops for weight loss are used to support the hCG diet. Using hCG is legal as long as a health care provider creates the prescription.

According to this study, using low-dose injections of hCG isn’t an effective treatment for obesity. Instead, it’s the diet itself that supports weight loss efforts. The drastic calorie restriction helped participants lose weight, rather than the hCG.

The HCG Diet

The hCG diet involves two components. First is an ultra-low-calorie diet. Participants consume about 400 to 500 calories a day. 

The second component of the hCG diet plan is the HCG hormone, which is usually administered by injections. 

People who participate in the hCG diet claim it boosts the metabolism. When your metabolism runs faster, your body will lose large amounts of fat faster as well. People who take hCG drops for weight loss also insist they don’t feel hungry by taking hCG.

However, many studies insist the hCG diet isn’t an effective option. There’s also no FDA support for using hCG drops for weight loss. 

People who follow the hCG diet will only lose weight in the short term. 


People who participate in the hCG diet don’t eat much. The diet restricts meals to two hours a day: lunch and dinner. During each meal, you’re permitted one protein, one vegetable, one bread, and one fruit. 

Possible proteins include:

  • Chicken breast
  • Beef
  • Veal
  • Fresh white fish
  • Crab
  • Lobster fish

It’s important not to eat proteins that show visible fat. These include:

  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Eel
  • Herring
  • Dried or pickled fish

It’s suggested you broil or grill your protein, rather than frying. Butters and oils aren’t allowed on the hCG diet plan.

You can also eat from an array of vegetables, including:

  • Cabbage
  • Celery
  • Tomato
  • Green salad
  • Beet greens
  • Chicory
  • Chard
  • Spinach
  • Onion
  • Fennel
  • Cucumber
  • Asparagus
  • Red radishes

For bread, you’re allowed one breadstick or a piece of melba toast. For fruit, choose from strawberries, grapefruit, an apple, or an orange.

While participating on the hCG diet, you can have as much tea, coffee, or water as you want. You can use sugar substitutes, such as stevia, to sweeten your drinks. You can also have 1 tablespoon of milk daily.

It’s important to have a doctor’s supervision if you’re following the hCG diet. Otherwise, you might lack certain nutrients in your daily diet.

Side Effects

Men who use hCG for fertility purposes may experience a few side effects, including:

  • Pain, redness, swelling
  • Stomach pain
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Growing male breasts
  • Blood clots
  • Allergic reactions (mild skin rashes, severe anaphylactic reactions)

Men and women on the hCG diet might experience a list of side effects as well. Diets that have severe calorie limitations can cause:

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Gallstone formation
  • Limited intake of vitamins and minerals
  • An imbalance of electrolytes

Side effects of the hCG diet include:

  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Fluid build-up
  • Restlessness
  • Depression

Taking hCG weight-loss products can also increase your risk of cancer. In fact, hCG might encourage the body to produce androgen cells. These cells result in the growth of certain types of cancers.

If blood vessels form, it could cause blocked blood vessels, which is a condition known as thromboembolism. 

Instead of using hCG drops for weight loss on your own, consider speaking with your doctor. There are healthier, safer ways you can lose weight. Let them know your health concerns.

Your doctor or a nutritionist can help you plan for a balanced diet. It’s also to keep your body active by scheduling regular exercise each day.

By making a plan with a medical professional’s help, you can lose weight without experiencing any of these life-threatening side effects. 

HCG Drops for Weight Loss: Your Complete Guide

Before taking hCG drops for weight loss purposes, make sure to speak with your doctor first. Remember, over-the-counter products that contain hCG are often labeled “homeopathic.” It’s often more beneficial to follow a well-balanced diet and fitness plan instead. 

Searching for other ways to improve your health? Discover tips, tricks, and helpful guides on our blog. Explore the Health section for our latest posts today.


CBD for Weight Loss: Can it Really Help You Shed Pounds?

CBD for Weight Loss: Can it Really Help You Shed

CBD for Weight Loss: Can it Really Help You Shed Pounds?

CBD. The three-letter acronym for a market that made between $600 million and $2 billion in sales back in 2018.

What’s more, experts say its sales could reach a whopping $20 billion come 2024!

For starters, because cannabidiol comes with scientifically-proven health benefits. PubMed alone has over 20,000 studies with references to cannabis and cannabinoids. CBD is a cannabinoid that, unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), doesn’t make you high.

Then, there’s also CBD for weight loss. Recent studies have found that this cannabinoid may have the power to help users shed pounds.

That’s sure to make CBD consumption skyrocket even more!

The question is, how exactly can this natural substance aid in weight loss? Are there are any studies that prove these claims?

All these, you’ll uncover in this post, so keep reading to learn the truth about CBD and weight loss!

CBD for Weight Loss: How Can It Be Possible?

CBD may promote weight loss due to its effects on the body’s endocannabinoid (CB) receptors.

To understand these effects, let’s first talk about the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

The ECS is an “internal messaging center” present in all mammals. It regulates various biological and physiological processes, such as sleep and pain. It also has roles in the immune system, and yes, the appetite.

So, how does it work?

Endocannabinoids, which you can think of as signals, bind to the CB receptors. This triggers the receptors to send the signal to the ECS, prompting it to take action. This action the ECS needs to take depends on which receptor the cannabinoid attached to.

At the moment, there are two known CB receptors: CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are most dominant in the brain and the central nervous system. Most CB2 receptors are in the peripheral nervous system, particularly the immune cells.

Obesity, however, can result in the CB1 receptors spreading out, such as into the fatty tissues. It’s because of this that the activation of CB1 receptors appears to have a link to obesity.

In fact, one study found a link between overeating and the ECS’ signaling activity in the gut. The study involved placing a rodent model on a chronic high-fat and high-sugar diet.

The diet caused a spike in the levels of endocannabinoids in both the blood and the gut. The scientists also noted how the diet promoted even more consumption of fatty foods.

The researchers then blocked the endocannabinoids from reaching the receptors. Doing this led to a decrease in the animal’s overeating activities.

Where CBD Comes Into Play

Granted, CBD doesn’t have a direct effect on the cannabinoid receptors. It does, however, influence the endocannabinoids to either activate or restrict the receptors. It’s in this way that CBD may help prevent overeating, obesity, and weight loss.

Appetite Reduction

One way that CBD may help aid weight loss is through appetite reduction.

Now, you may have heard of cannabis (which is one of the main sources of CBD) causing increased appetite. Known as the “munchies”, this often occurs due to cannabis’ THC content. THC is the psychoactive compound that pot is so well-known for.

Don’t worry though, as CBD doesn’t ignite hunger. This is especially true in the case of hemp oil vs CBD oil sourced from cannabis. CBD hemp oil contains less than 0.3% of THC.

If THC directly stimulates the appetite, CBD may have an indirect “deterring” effect on it. It can do so by influencing CB1 receptor antagonists to block off CB1 receptors. CBD may “encourage” these antagonists to take action and deactivate the CB1 receptors.

Blocking these receptors may then result in curbing a person’s appetite. This may also help suppress overeating tendencies in some people.

Another rat study also found that exposing the animals to CBD curbed their appetite.

From White Fat Cells to “Healthier” Brown Fat Cells

Body fat can either be of the white or the brown kind. White fat is more abundant though, as it acts as a storage for and source of energy. Moreover, it insulates, cushions, and protects the organs.

This white fat, however, is also linked to various chronic illnesses. These include heart disease and diabetes. Too much white fat build-up in the body can raise a person’s risk for these health problems.

Whereas brown fat is the type that generates heat. It does so by burning the calories you get from your daily meals. That may explain why brown fat is more dominant in people within a healthy weight range.

As such, you’d want more brown fat than white fat in your body. The good news is, regular exercise can convert white fat into brown fat. Developing healthy sleeping habits can also aid in this conversion process.

And according to research, adding the use of CBD to these healthy habits can make it even more effective.

One study found that CBD caused white fat to “brown” up. This effect may then result in the burning of more calories in the body. You may burn even more calories than usual when you exercise.

The study also noted how CBD reduced protein expression in new fat cell creation. Protein expression is the process of synthesizing, modifying, and regulating proteins. Since CBD reduces this in new fat cells, then the cells may take a longer time to form in the first place.

It May Help Control Overeating in People with Psychological Conditions

Did you know that one of the advantages of CBD over antidepressants is that it can take effect on the same day? Whereas commercial antidepressants can take anywhere from two to four weeks.

A 2018 study found that one dose of CBD is all it took to eliminate depression symptoms in rats. The researchers also found that these effects of CBD lasted for seven days.

That alone already shows how promising CBD is. But what does that have to do with weight-related issues?

Keep in mind that anxiety and depression disorders often co-occur with eating disorders. It’s common for someone who has anxiety or depression to overeat. In fact, a study found that four in 10 people with an eating disorder developed an anxiety disorder first.

Since CBD may help ease symptoms of depression, then it may also help prevent overeating. The same goes true for people with anxiety, who’s coping mechanism may be to overeat.

A Friendly Reminder before Using CBD

If you’re going to try CBD for weight loss, be sure to check where it came from. There are differences between cannabis-derived CBD vs hemp oil. CBD that comes from cannabis may contain higher-than-trace levels of THC.

Whereas hemp seed oil comes from pressed hemp seeds. This oil doesn’t contain THC, but it also only contains little CBD. It does boast of high levels of omega-3 and -6 fatty acids and antioxidants though.

You can also learn how to make CBD oil at home, so long as you live in one of the 10 states where recreational weed is legal. If your weight is a medical concern, then you may be able to get a medical marijuana card. Or, you can simply buy high-quality, lab-tested CBD oil or hemp oil.

CBD May Just Help You Achieve Your Weight Goals

There you have it, the ultimate guide on how CBD for weight loss works. And while it’s definitely not a miracle cure, it is too beneficial to pass up.

Not only may it help you shed pounds — it may also improve your sleep or even reduce anxiety or depression symptoms! Both of these, in turn, can be a key player to weight loss.

Ready for more life pro tips to get your health in check? Then be sure to keep following our site’s Health section!


Emergency Weight Loss Surgery Options: What Are They And Which Is Best For You?

Emergency Weight Loss Surgery Options: What Are They And Which

Emergency Weight Loss Surgery Options: What Are They And Which Is Best For You?

Millions of adults — 63 percent of the population — throughout the UK are overweight or obese. 

Every year, 29 million of these people try to lose weight, but the majority of them are unsuccessful.

Does these stats resonate with you? Do you feel that you’ve tried everything to lose weight, to no avail? 

If you’re having a hard time losing weight, you may want to consider weight loss surgery to give you a jumpstart toward reaching your goals.

Read on to learn more about some of the best and most effective weight loss surgery options.

Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery

There are many reasons why you might want to consider weight loss surgery, including the following:

  • Lose weight quickly
  • Increase lifespan
  • Improve symptoms of or achieve remission from chronic diseases like diabetes
  • Improve cardiovascular health
  • Relieve feelings of depression and improve overall mental health
  • Improve your quality of life
  • Improve sleep quality and reduce sleep apnea symptoms
  • Improve fertility

Weight loss surgery can also be very helpful to those who suffer from arthritis or chronic joint pain. Losing weight helps to minimize pressure placed on the joints.

Best Weight Loss Surgery Options

If any of these benefits sound appealing to you, you might be seriously considering weight loss surgery. Which type of surgery should you choose, though? 

Listed below are some of the most well-known and most effective weight loss surgery options you might want to consider:

Sleeve Gastrectomy

A sleeve gastrectomy procedure involves separating and removing a portion of the stomach from the body. A surgeon then restructures the remaining portion of the stomach to form a tubelike structure.

Essentially, this procedure shrinks the stomach. As a result, the stomach cannot hold as much food. It also will produce smaller amounts of ghrelin, a hormone that triggers feelings of hunger.

The good thing about the sleeve gastrectomy procedure is that it doesn’t impact that body’s ability to absorb nutrients and calories.

Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass is a popular weight loss surgeon option that involves the creation of a small pouch at the top of your stomach. 

In addition to creating a pouch at the top of the stomach, a surgeon also cuts the small intestine and connects it to the pouch. Food then flows directly to the intestine from the pouch. 

Like the sleeve gastrectomy, this procedure shrinks the stomach and limits the amount of food you can consume at one time. 

This surgery doesn’t hinder the stomach’s ability to create digestive juices. As a result, the body can still digest food properly and there is less of a risk of digestive distress (as there is with some types of weight loss surgery).

Biliopancreatic Diversion

This surgery is similar to the sleeve gastrectomy procedure.

It starts with a surgeon removing part of the stomach and leaving behind the valve that releases food into the small intestine. The surgeon leaves behind the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) as well.

Once they’ve removed part of the stomach, the surgeon closes off the middle portion of the intestine and attach the duodenum and last part of the intestine together.

Instead of removing the separated middle portion of the intestine, the surgeon reattaches it so that it becomes the end of the intestine. This lets bile and pancreatic juices — which are necessary for digestion — flow directly to the end of the intestine.

The result of this procedure is that, when food is consumed, it will bypass the majority of the small intestine. This limits calorie absorption and promotes more weight loss than shrinking the stomach alone.

Vagal Blockade

A vagal blockade is similar to a pacemaker. It’s a small device that is implanted under the rib cage and is operated by remote control. The device sends electrical impulses to the vagus nerve.

Stimulating the vagus nerve sends a signal to the brain that the stomach is full. This, in turn, helps you to control your appetite and avoid overeating. 

This is a minimally invasive procedure and it’s a great option for individuals who are nervous about undergoing a more serious surgical procedure.


The AspireAssist is another minimally invasive procedure that involves device implantation.

AspireAssist is a tube that is implanted in the body and sits flush against the abdomen.

Once you’ve eaten, you attach to the tube to an external draining device. The device removes food matter and deposits in the toilet, where it can be flushed away.

With the use of the AspireAssist device, you only consume about 70 percent of the calories you consume.

Because the AspireAssist device limits calorie and nutrient absorption, nutritional and protein supplementation are necessary for most people.

Gastric Balloon

The gastric balloon is not technically a surgical procedure, but it’s still one you might want to consider is you have excess weight to lose.

According to Next Level Weight-Loss, it’s minimally invasive and doesn’t come with the same amount of downtime as some other weight loss procedures. It does, however, yield similar results. 

With this procedure, a special balloon is placed in the stomach via the mouth. Once the balloon has been placed, it is filled with a saline solution. This leads to a sense of fullness and minimizes hunger and the likelihood that you will overeat. 

The gastric balloon is a temporary procedure. It stays in place for six months and then gets removed.

Many people see great results from this procedure. In six months, they can lose approximately 10 percent of their excess body weight.

Lose the Weight and Keep it Off

As you can see, there are plenty of weight loss surgery options that will help you get started on your weight loss journey.

In order to keep the weight that you lost off long-term, though, you’ll need to make some permanent changes to your lifestyle. This includes eating a healthy diet and exercising on a regular basis.

If you need help making these kinds of lifestyle changes, contact us at Lep Fitness today to learn more about our personal training packages.

We’ll give you the tools you need to make permanent, positive changes.


The Most Common Signs and Causes of Hair Loss

The Most Common Signs and Causes of Hair Loss

The Most Common Signs and Causes of Hair Loss

You may not realize it, but you lose around 50 to 100 hairs a day. In fact, everybody does.

What happens if you start losing more? Losing your hair is a horrible feeling. It can result in self-esteem issues, depression, embarrassment and a general lack of confidence. While hair loss is much more common in men, it can also affect women too.

The reasons for hair loss are vast and vary from person to person. Some people experience slow and gradual loss over many years and others lose their hair in a matter of months. Regardless of how it’s affecting you, it always helps to educate yourself.

Let’s go over some of the common signs of hair loss and possible causes.

Signs to Watch Out For

Hair loss manifests itself in different ways. There are a number of symptoms to watch out for. These symptoms could be connected to the reason you’re losing your hair, so make sure to examine your scalp and keep a record of what’s going on.

It’s important to see your doctor if you think you’re losing your hair prematurely or as a result of other health issues. First, look for the following warning signs.


Gradually thinning hair is the most common way men and women experience loss. The thinning process often occurs over the course of many years.

For men, thinning begins as a receding hairline. It starts on the sides near the temples and increases in depth over time.

Women, on the other hand, experience a general thinning over the entire head. A good indication is if your part is beginning to increase in size.

Bald Spots

One of the most frustrating signs of hair loss is a bald spot somewhere on the scalp. This can be very embarrassing, as sometimes it happens rather quickly.

Men experience this much more often, though it’s possible in women too. It’s a common symptom of male pattern baldness. A bald spot may start relatively small towards the back of the head and increase in size.


One of the early signs of hair loss is an itchy or irritated scalp. If this starts happening suddenly and you don’t have a history of dandruff, it may mean your hair’s falling out.

It’s possible your scalp has a build-up of sebum, which causes itchiness. Sebum is the oil in your skin. If the pores on your scalp are clogged with sebum, the hair follicles may get blocked.

Keep in mind that an itchy scalp could be the result of a number of things. You’ll need to see a doctor to determine the exact cause.

Your Hair Grows Slower

If you notice you don’t need a haircut as frequently, this could be one of the signs of hair loss. Male pattern baldness occurs because your hair follicles enter a resting phase as you get older. This means your hair won’t grow as fast.

Physical Evidence

You may also notice evidence of loss in the shower when you wash your hair. You may also see more falling out when you brush or comb your hair.

You can also look for hair left on your pillow when you wake up. These all could indicate you’ve started to lose your hair.

Possible Causes

Now that we’ve gone over some of the common signs of hair loss, let’s look at reasons why it could be happening.

Remember, everyone’s different and your genetic makeup may have a lot to do with losing your hair. However, there are some environmental and health-related issues that may cause it as well.


Too much stress seems to wreak havoc on all aspects of our health, and hair loss is no exception.

Stress affects your blood pressure, and often this means your scalp isn’t getting good blood flow. If you’re under constant stress, don’t be surprised if you notice your hair falling out.

The good thing is you can reverse the amount of loss by finding ways to reduce stress.

Hair Care Products

Unfortunately, many brand name hair care products include harmful chemicals. Your skin absorbs these chemicals when you wash or style your hair. Over time, the result could be hair loss.

If you suspect this is happening, try switching to all-natural products and see if the loss stops. Capillus offers a wide range of products to help with hair recovery.


Some women experience hair loss during pregnancy as a result of both stress and hormonal changes.

It’s also common after the physical and emotional stress of giving birth. Some women notice hair loss in the weeks after their baby is born. This typically stops and hair grows back within months.

Not Getting Enough Protein

If you can’t discover a cause after seeing signs of hair loss, it may be connected to your diet. This is something many people overlook. The good this is, you may simply need more protein.

When your body doesn’t get enough protein, it naturally rations the protein it has. One of the ways it does this is by cutting back on hair growth.


This is one of the most common causes of going bald. You may be genetically inclined to lose your hair. This goes for both men and women.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to fight heredity. However, talk to your doctor about what you can do to slow down the process.


Certain prescription medications cause hair loss in many people. Some common medications that do this include antidepressants, painkillers, and blood pressure medication.

If you notice accelerated hair loss when you start a prescription, speak to your doctor right away.

Watch for These and Other Signs of Hair Loss

Dealing with hair loss is both embarrassing and a jolt to your self-confidence. If it’s inevitable, the best thing you can do is accept it and try not to stress. Remember, worrying about it could just cause more hair to fall out.

Paying attention to the warning signs and causes above could give you a jump on slowing or preventing the process. If you think you need extra help, speak to your doctor about your options.

For more articles on staying healthy, check out our blog today.


3 Delicious Weight Loss Shakes You Have to Try

3 Delicious Weight Loss Shakes You Have to Try

3 Delicious Weight Loss Shakes You Have to Try

Are you keeping up with your new year’s resolutions? How about your weight loss goals?

Foods that help with weight loss used to be so boring. Salads, salads, and more salads… enough with the lettuce, I say! It’s tough to meet your goals when you get bored.

To lose weight successfully you need to mix up your routine now and then.

Smoothies and shakes are a delicious and nutritious alternative to the boring healthy staples. And they’re taking the weight loss industry by storm.

Weight loss shakes are the perfect way to a change up your oatmeal breakfast, lunch salad, or a healthy snack.

They’re packed with fruit, veggies, and vitamins and they’re quick and easy to make.

They even taste good enough to give to your kids. Seriously, kids love these shakes!

Getting your family in on your weight loss goals is a great way to keep up good momentum.

Ready to tackle your weight loss goals the yummy way? Read on for 3 awesome and delicious recipes.

3 Must Try Weight Loss Shakes

Mango Surprise!

Are you a mango lover? This is the perfect summer refresher or even the slice of sunshine you need on a gloomy day.

Blend these ingredients until smooth, pour yourself a glass, garnish if desired, and enjoy!

  • 1/4 c. mango cubes
  • 1/4 c. mashed ripe avocado
  • 1/2 c. mango juice
  • 1/4 c. fat-free vanilla yogurt
  • 1 Tbsp. fresh squeezed lime juice
  • 1 Tbsp. sugar
  • 6 ice cubes

Surprise! It’s delicious.

Spinach Flax Protein Shake

This recipe from The Blonde Buckeye is the best way to get a healthy dose of veggies in your day.

Tired of spinach salads? This is the best alternative.

And with a little added fruit and protein powder, this recipe is perfect if you’re just not the spinach type.

Don’t forget, spinach is high in fiber, protein, vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6, and much more. It’s a weight loss essential.

  • 1 c. unsweetened almond milk (or any kind)
  • 1 large handful organic baby spinach, washed
  • 1/4 c. frozen mango chunks
  • 1/4 c. frozen pineapple
  • 1/2 of a banana, fresh or frozen
  • 1 Tbsp. flax meal (optional)
  • 1 Tbsp. chia seeds (optional)
  • 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (optional)

Combine these ingredients until smooth and enjoy!

Chocolate Raspberry Smoothie

Looking for the perfect healthy dessert option? Order up! This will knock your socks off.

I always say: if you’re gonna have dessert you might as well fill it with fiber.

Raspberry is an excellent weight loss tool. They’re low in calories and packed with healthy fiber, making you feel fuller longer.

And the chocolate is just amazing.

You can’t go wrong with this smoothie.

  • 1/2 c. skim or soy milk
  • 6 oz. vanilla yogurt
  • 1/4 c. chocolate chips
  • 1 c. fresh raspberries
  • A handful of ice or an extra 1 c. frozen raspberries

Blend until smooth and enjoy your high-fiber chocolaty dessert!

Wight loss can be hard but it can still be delicious! Use these weight loss shakes to treat yourself once in a while and help keep yourself on track for your goals.
