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4 Habits Of Highly Organized People For A Productive Morning

4 Habits Of Highly Organized People For A Productive Morning

Do you often find that your mornings start a little too slowly? Does it take you much too long to get your gears whirring during the daytime? Do you struggle to stay on-task and finish jobs so soon after waking up? If you answered yes to any of those questions, don’t worry! Highly organized people reveal their tips for success. It’s much more common than you think!

Being productive in the mornings isn’t easy. Conditions have to be right, you must know yourself and what you’re doing, and you need to be able to find thoughts and objects quickly. But how can you do that? By learning from those who do this successfully, of course! Here are four habits of highly organized people for a productive morning.

1.    Scheduling In A Smart Way

Everyone talks about the importance of keeping a schedule. But there’s no point in creating a program that simply doesn’t work for you or anyone else. The point of scheduling isn’t to make a pretty list of work but to actually help you stay on track in a reasonable but firm manner. Here are some tips for scheduling smart:

·         Make A To-Do List

Yes, it’s easy to assume that you’ll naturally remember everything you have to do without the aid of a list. Still, writing a to-do list is considered one of the most positive and organized steps you can take if you want to be more productive. List down what you have to do that day, that week, and even that month if you plan your schedule that far in advance. You won’t feel pressured to remember everything, and you’ll feel accomplished when you cross items off the list one by one while the day goes on.

·         Be Mindful Of Your Energy

Don’t base your scheduling off of others. You know best how your energy levels are like. If you’re booming with alertness right after waking up, you can schedule things earlier in the day. If you’re a night person, you might be more lenient with your time limits for tasks. Take all of this into consideration. Remember, your schedule is for you, not anyone else!

·         Set A Timetable

Remember that to-do list? Trying setting it to a timetable. When everything you have to do has a set schedule that is easy to follow and an exact deadline, it’ll be easier for you to stay on track. Assign reasonable times, keep track of your progress, and don’t lose your positive thinking. Highly organized people tout this habit as a fantastic way to up your productivity as it keeps you on task from the beginning of each day.

·         Don’t Drop The Ball

When your day is hectic, it’s easy to forget some appointments or tasks. Try your hardest to keep each in mind. This is why you need a to-do list – so everything you have to do is nicely laid out and very difficult to forget! If you wind up having no choice but to miss specific tasks due to time constraints, learn from that mistake and schedule things more realistically in the future.

·         Follow A Routine

There’s nothing wrong with wanting a little variety in your life. But if you genuinely wish for a productive morning, make your schedule a routine. Do chores in the same order and basic tasks in the same general timeline every day. Routines are hugely crucial for positive productivity and efficiency, and they can even help with cognitive ability. This makes a routine a surefire success when your goal is a productive morning.

2.    Getting A Good Breakfast

Of course, breakfast is the first and most important meal you’ll have all day long. That’s why it’s so essential that your productive morning starts off with a well-planned breakfast. Here are some ways to make your first meal more fulfilling:

·         Eat Protein

The breakfast you eat makes a huge difference in how productive your morning is. Think about it: your body hasn’t had food for a prolonged period of time while you slept, so you need something that can get your engines into gear. A lot of people talk about carbohydrates as a breakfast food, but few fully grasp just how much protein can do for the body. Protein is a great brain nutrient that studies have found has positive effects on brain function. Consider breakfast foods involving eggs, Greek yogurt, almonds, or cottage cheese.

·         Prepare Food In Advance

Preparing your breakfast the evening before is a fantastic way to save a good chunk of time every morning. Your breakfast will be nutritious and won’t require the thinking of your groggy, still-tired brain. Even better, you can opt to prep large batches of breakfast over the weekend, so your entire week’s morning meals are ready to go!

·         Do Something Productive During Your Breakfast

Breakfast is a great time to get your gears going, and it’s an excellent way to get ahead of your tasks for the day. By the time you’re done eating, you’ll already be ahead! However, take this hint with a grain of salt, as it doesn’t work for everyone! If you tend to overeat, get distracted, or become stressed out when you do something else with breakfast, it’s best to opt not to go for this trick.

Here are ten daily habits that put you in a great mood.

3.    Be Tidy

Sure, being perfectly clean all the time is overrated. But making sure your clutter stays under control is very important for productivity. Plus, you can hardly consider yourself highly organized if your entire house and workstation are a mess! Here are some ways to keep things neat:

·         Clear Your Workspace

Want to have a fresh start to each day, full of positive thinking? Make sure your working space or desk is clean and clear before you begin. Clutter can almost feel comfortable sometimes, but what it actually does is trip you up. Things get harder to find, you’re more likely to be stressed out, and it’s tough to get things done without holdups. Sure, everyone has different limits to how messy space can get before it affects them, but if you follow science, cleanliness and tidiness is most crucial to productivity.

·         Resolve Snags

If you want your days to run smoothly, try making a habit of smoothing out so-called loose ends left behind from days past. It’s easy to ignore the tissue that fell on the floor, but in time that will amount to a lot of rubbish everywhere, which will impact your productivity. You might not think that missed call is that big of a deal, but when twenty of them pile up, you’ll be too overwhelmed to get to them. Learning to quickly tidy up these tiny little things as and when you notice them is key to being organized.

·         Clean Key Areas Before Leaving

Before you leave your house every morning, take a quick glance through the critical areas of your home. This might be your dining table where you eat, the kitchen counter where you need to cook, or the shoe rack by the front door that you tend to dump everything into. Give them all a cursory once over and clear or tidy what you can before heading out. This places your mind at ease as you go about your morning while also giving you a little sense of accomplishment from the start.

It’s worth noting that we’re not insinuating you need to have a perfect environment in order to be productive. The lesson here is to learn to become a more organized person, so you need to know where things are and feel relaxed in your living and working spaces. Often, being at least some degree of tidy is necessary to achieve this!

4.    Learn To Prioritize

Highly organized people don’t mistake productivity for the simple act of squeezing in as much as you can into as few moments as possible. The issue with this description is that it removes quality from the equation

When you are productive, you’re performing with high-quality and delivering outstanding results, but at a consistent and, if possible, fast pace. This means that sometimes, there are tasks you have to leave behind in favor of what really matters. Here’s how to better prioritize the things you need to get done for a more productive morning:

·         Decide On What You Want To Accomplish

What are the three things that you absolutely want to accomplish today? Which tasks must you complete to feel like you’ve been productive? Once you have your three most important tasks, schedule your day around them. You can do them at any point, as long as you get them done. When you have to choose between these tasks and other less major ones, always choose the former! You’ll feel better about yourself while teaching yourself not to sweat the small stuff.

·         Get To Critical Emails As Soon As Possible

It’s a great idea not to make a habit of browsing your email first thing in the morning before work begins. But once it starts, it’s all fair game! Focus on starting with the more critical emails first, resisting the urge to the top of your inbox chronologically. When you have the most vital emails settled, you’ll feel more relaxed and have more positive thinking throughout the day. Plus, there’s a much lower risk of you forgetting about those essential tasks as the day goes on! Highly organized people do not waste too much time on pointless, spammy emails.

·         Do The Worst Things First

Think of the three “worst” things you have to do today and get them done first. It’s up to you to define what “worst” entails. Are they the tasks you find most problematic? The ones you find most boring? The chores that take up the most time? An assortment of all of the above? Spend your morning on those “worst” tasks, and you’ll feel much more accomplished after – and, therefore, more motivated to do the more straightforward jobs during the rest of the day! Your concentration and energy are also likely best in the mornings, which plays into this.

Final Thoughts On Some Habits Of Highly Organized People For A Productive Morning

Few can deny the benefits of being organized. It helps you concentrate, reduces stress levels, and, of course, it makes you more productive. No matter what the time of day it is, focusing on the proper organization of your work area, your living space, and your tasks and goals for the day is crucial. Absolutely everyone can benefit from adding these habits of highly organized people to their lives!


15 Reasons Why People With Kind Hearts Live Happier Lives »

15 Reasons Why People With Kind Hearts Live Happier Lives

People with kind hearts lead happier, more rewarding lives.

Think about it.

Does it seem like people have forgotten the “Golden Rule” these days? Wouldn’t it be nice if one of the soft drink companies could come up with a kindness cocktail or a niceness nectar for people who need a boost of humanity? A Harris Poll found that only one-third of the population considers themselves happy.

The study gave a survey to 2,345 U.S. adults. It was shocking to see that two-thirds of the population isn’t content with their lives, jobs, or overall well-being. These numbers are awful, and something must change. A happy person is usually someone who is kind and looks out for others.

Why Kind Hearts Are Happier?

While the number of joy-filled people may be lacking, those who are kind tend to live longer lives. It’s a novel concept to think that showing kindness to your fellow humans could make you live longer.

Why would being happy affect your longevity on the earth? Here are 15 reasons why kind hearts tend to stick around longer than those who tend to be melancholy.

1. Being Kind Boosts Happiness

When you’re doing something for others, it gives you a sense of accomplishment. Everyone is busy and has a hectic schedule, but when you take a few minutes to be kind even when you don’t have to, it gives you a whole different outlook.

Imagine how different the world would be if people automatically loaded groceries for senior citizens, opened doors for mothers with infants, and just did random acts of kindness for no other reason than the feeling of warmth and happiness it brings. It feels good to help others, and it puts a bounce in your joy-filled bounce in your step.

2. Luckier in Love

Have you ever seen a couple that is so in love that they ooze with mushiness? Then there are those people who tend to be so unlucky that they find every narcissist and toxic person along life’s highway. Why are some people so blessed with good relationships while others struggle?

The key to being lucky in life may be having a kind heart. There are all kinds of people that you date when you’re playing the field. However, the one you choose to marry or commit too is always the one that completes you.

It’s the person that makes you want to do better and work harder. Perhaps, it’s the person who is kind to others, and you see their heart before anything else. Generous people tend to be happier in love because they attract people with like minds.

Being kind and having a big heart are attractive features that everyone wants in a spouse.

3. Engage in Philanthropic Activities

Some many charities and organizations reach out to those in need. Doing philanthropy work tends to get your mind off your troubles and focus on what matters most.

It’s hard to complain about your sore knees when you see someone who lost their legs due to a disease. Benevolence helps you to view the world through a different pair of lenses.

When you have a joyous existence, you count your blessings instead of pinning for your wants.

4. Don’t Suffer from many Health Problems

Harvard Medical School recently did a study regarding the health link to happiness. Happy hearts generally don’t have as many health problems as those who tend to be negative and pessimistic.

True happiness is learning how to free yourself from stress. When you are under constant duress, your cortisol and adrenaline levels are too high. Having these hormone levels at accelerated heights causes your heart to work overtime.

Lowering your stress levels decreases your risk of heart attacks and strokes, not to mention other muscle tension issues. A joy-filled heart is like good medicine to the soul.

5. See the Good in all Around Them

How many times do you look at the good around you? You might look at your home and see a dripping faucet, carpets that are worn, and lights that need to be replaced. However, kind hearts and happy people will be thankful they have a place to lay their heads.

You can extend kindness to others when you see the blessings you have and think of those who are less fortunate.

6. Tend to Have Many Friends

When you’re in the market for a friend, you want the kind, loving, and eager person who is willing to help you. No one wants a needy friend who keeps the relationship one-sided.

Kind hearts attract the masses because everyone wants to be their pal. They’re the ones that you can count on when you need to vent, and they will be there at a moment’s notice when you call anytime day or night.

7. Take Time to Enjoy the Simple Things

Kind hearts love to enjoy the simple things. They find grounding in the beautiful aroma of a rose or the splendor of rainbow after a storm. They have an infectious manner that brings everyone into their simple life.

These people tend to be laid back and don’t allow the simplest of life’s pleasures to pass them by.

8. Never too Busy to Help Someone in Need

Martin Seligman wrote a book about how to have a meaningful life. For this story, he conducted a study. He wanted to see who was happier the people who chased after their pleasures or found pleasure in helping others.

He dubbed the study “Philanthropy versus Fun.” The first group sought happiness by self-pleasure, and the second group found contentment by doing charitable acts. The results were remarkable. The group that helped their fellow man was happier for longer than the group that sought to please themselves.

Happy hearts are never too busy to read to the blind, work in a soup kitchen, or run errands for the elderly.

9. Would Give the Shirt off Their Back to Someone

Happy people would gladly give you the shirt off their back. They are not stingy with their possessions, and they will gladly share. They’re the person that always has a small gift or token to give you whenever they see you.

They may make crafts or baked goods for a new neighbor moving in. Sometimes, they are often a doormat because people take advantage of their generosity, but they don’t let these negative experiences stop them from being kind.

10. Forgiveness Comes Easily

Their forgiving heart is apparent in life’s troubles. These people usually don’t hold grudges or stay mad too long. They are easy to forgive and forget about the past because they don’t want to let it affect their future.

11. Believe Life Comes with Purpose

Someone who has joy chooses to live their life with purpose. They are not content with getting up in the morning, going to work, and returning home. They want to live each day to the fullest. Therefore, they look for opportunities to give back and to make an impact every day.

12. Never Stop Chasing Their Dreams

Just because kind hearts want to help others doesn’t mean that they ever stop chasing their dreams. These people are often goal-driven. They can set goals and make sure they accomplish them. Their tenacity and drive are attractive to others.

13. Always Put Their Family First

Family is an integral part of life. A kind person makes sure to see their mom on Mother’s Day. They send cards to everyone on their birthdays, and they would never miss a family function. They put family first and try to be actively involved with their close and extended relatives.

14. Are Accountable for Words and Actions

Being accountable for your words and actions is a big job. Kind hearts would never want to hurt you for anything. If they feel they have hurt you, then they would be the first to apologize. Though they try to do right, they will admit that they’re not perfect, but their ability to quickly resolve wrongdoings makes them a joy to be around.

15. Prioritize Relationships over Possessions

Worldly possessions don’t mean that much to someone who puts their investments in relationships and experiences. They don’t find joy in new cars or bigger homes. Rather, they make connections and people a priority.

It’s a blessing to be around someone who has their priorities straight and doesn’t spend time trying to keep up with neighbors and family members who seem to have more money. It’s refreshing to find someone that can find contentment in the things they have.

Final Thoughts on How People with Kind Hearts Always Seem to Be Happy

Every day when you get out of bed, you make choices. You select the clothes you will wear, decide what cologne or perfume to put on, and pick out your food for breakfast. Additionally, you choose whether you will be happy or sad.

You decide whether you will help the lady struggling to load her groceries at the supermarket, and you choose whether you will blow up at your spouse for leaving their dirty clothes on the floor. Make a conscious choice to take joy over sadness and happiness over sorrow.

You have the power to change your entire life by simply altering your mindset. Be the person that everyone wants to be around and the one that is considered one of the kind hearts.


Blind Woman Provides Jobs and Hope for Disabled People

Blind Woman Provides Jobs and Hope for Disabled People

Erin Willman refused to give up against the odds, and now she’s inspiring disabled people and their families. Her message of positivity is one we could not resist sharing!

White Cane Coffee is a company founded by 22-year-old Erin Willman. Not only is this young entrepreneur inspiring young women to follow their dreams, but she is also leading a much bigger movement. Her goal? Normalizing disabled people in the workplace.

When Erin was fifteen, she lost her vision. It was then people started telling her what she cannot do, but she wanted to show them what she can do. Erin had applied for jobs but was turned away because of her disability. Erin decided that instead of letting other people turn her away, she would create her career. In just one year, the young woman became the CEO of her own company–White Cane Coffee.

What started as an idea on a bad day is now a booming business that has put Erin’s coffee on the shelves of several shops in different cities, but this is just the beginning. Her main storefront is located in the small, charming town of  Warren, Pennsylvania. There, she sells an assortment of organic coffee whole bean, ground, compostable individual-cups, and cold brew blends.

 But White Cane Coffee does more than sell java to visitors and residents of their small community. They create opportunities for blind and autistic people to learn excellent work skills. Moreover, the workers gain confidence in their overcoming the roadblocks they face each day. Take a look.

What does White Cane Coffee stand for?

As well as fantastic coffee, inclusiveness is the main focus when it comes to the making of White Cane Coffee. Each package that the coffee comes in is printed with a label containing Braille. This concept was just one of Erin’s brilliant ideas to become more inclusive.

She often mused to herself and asked the question, “why should people who are blind not be able to shop for themselves?”

White Cane Coffee is one of the first companies to label all of its products in Braille.

White Cane Coffee provides jobs for the handicapped community at a livable wage. The shop is currently providing eight jobs to disabled workers. The goal is to allow them to have freedoms they should receive elsewhere but are wrongfully deprived of.

By creating the jobs provided at White Cane Coffee, the company enriches the lives of these people. Erin and her family always share their motto,

“If you can change one person’s life, you are changing the world.” ~Erin Willman

These jobs go deeper than paying wages. Indeed, they bring hope to the employees to show them they, too, matter and are a working part of something much bigger. Erin even brought her employees with her to a business dinner meant for the CEOs of the companies in Warren County. She believes they are just as important as she is to the company.

How the company profits benefit disabled people

Like any other company, profit goes to pay the employees that are working for the company to allow them to have a livable wage.

But that is not enough for this entrepreneurial enterprise. White Cane Coffee’s profit also benefits so many more people beyond their employees. Here are ways they advocate for people who face unique challenges.

Helping to defray the expense of leader dog training

Proceeds go to The Sight Center for Northwest Pennsylvania. That organization’s mission is to “prevent blindness and promote independence for those with vision loss.”

Through this center, Erin and White Cane Coffee began to support a leader dog named Erie. A portion of White Cane’s money was given to the program to support the dog’s training. Erin is unable to have her own dog due to an allergy. Still, she decided to help with the cost of a leader dog for another person. Recently, Erie went off to Michigan for his final training. This is a program that will continuously receive our support.

Leader dog in training, Erie, poses for the camera.

Working with blind and disabled children in the community

Additionally, Erin spends much of her time working with schools and organizations that specialize in teaching the blind and disabled. She is exceptionally proud of the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children, located in Pittsburgh. Erin visited them and saw their program designed to encourage work and self-reliance for their students. These skills are vital to independence.

Also, Erin had the opportunity to speak at the National Federation of the Blind Convention in Harrisburg, PA.  Her message is one of hope and encouragement.

Her opening statement at that event was the following:

“When you lost your vision, people stood in line to tell you what you can’t do, now let’s talk about what you can do. You have value, you have worth and you can live an independent life.” ~Erin Willman

Hundreds of people in attendance remarked that Erin’s comments gave them fresh hope.

Helping non-profits raise funds

Warren County Children’s Advocacy Center is another one of the many programs White Cane Coffee supports. She supports them because, as she says, “They speak for those who can not speak for themselves.”

The coffee company created a unique blend of coffee. And for each bag or box sold, a portion of the proceeds goes to them. Erin’s fundraising strategy empowers organizations to sell coffee at competitive prices to drive better fundraiser earnings margins for the non-profit.

Erin’s reasoning for putting money into other organizations is straightforward. She states that it was never her dream to be the CEO who owns five cars, but it is her dream to be the CEO who changes the world.

Final thoughts on how Erin hopes to help disabled in her next phase

Above all, Erin and her team remain thankful for the fantastic support from their community. And more importantly, they are proud of how much they accomplish in providing resources and empowerment to disabled people. White Cane Coffee continues to flourish and plans to expand.

They hope to continue to create additional jobs, which will help even more people become independent. To that end, they are working on some very exciting projects to help gain the footing necessary to jump to the next level as a company.

You can listen to Erin on a podcast at to hear her speak about her company’s plans and how she will continue to be a voice for disabled people.

Connect with Erin Willman:
2 1/2 E 3rd Ave, Warren, PA 16365
Follow White Cane Coffee on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @whitecanecoffee


Hospice Nurses Reveal 5 Regrets That People Make on Their Deathbeds

Hospice Nurses Reveal 5 Regrets That People Make on Their

You probably don’t sit around thinking much about death. Not many people do. But some nurses come face to face with death every day. They hear a great deal of dying people’s regrets. Rarely do nurses hear a dying person express sorrow over their living room color choices or the kind of car they drove. Their deathbed regrets are usually closer to the heart than this.

Hospice workers are often the last people to interact with the dying in their final moments. Here, hospice nurses reveal some of the musings of people who are making that transition.

What are the Top 5 Regrets People Make on Their Deathbed?

Here are some of the revelations that people make as they slip from the universe and into their next destination.

1 – Dying people have family regrets

One of the top regrets expressed by people on their deathbeds has to do with their family members. Dying people frequently wish they had spent more time with their kids, or their wife, or their siblings or their parents.

According to palliative care nurse Bonnie Ware, they wish they spent more of their time on family vacations instead of working all the time. They wish they had gone to visit their siblings in another state instead of making the excuse that it was too far away. These regrets are heartbreaking because many times, the people who need to hear these expressed regrets aren’t around anymore.  Or if they are still around, by now, the relationships are so broken that these last-minute regrets sound hollow to them. Family relationships are always messy, but when you don’t value your family, it gets even messier, and it ends up in endless regrets.

Lesson learned:

The take away from this regret, of course, is that you don’t need to end up with these regrets on your death bed. Learn from what nurses say is the most common regret shared by their dying patients. Value your family, take time off work to go on that family vacation or to play with your kids.

Visit your siblings in another state, even if it’s expensive and inconvenient. Be the one who initiates instead of waiting for the other person. Give your family your time and energy now while you still can so that in the end, you will have a free and clear conscience. You won have regrets because you did the best you could to make your family feel loved by you.

2 – People on their deathbed wish they had been a better person

It’s often not until it’s too late that people wish they had been nicer people. It’s weird how they don’t think about it until it’s really too late to do anything. Perhaps they wish they’d been a kinder, more patient, and more loving person.  They may apologize for their bad behavior towards their kids or wife for their failures. It brings them peace knowing their family heard their confession, but for the family, it’s often too little, too late. The years of being kinder, patient, and gentle are lost.

Some dying patients also express that they listened to their doctor and followed better health habits before it became too late. Nurse Jaime Lynn notes on Quora that this regret is prevalent among drug addicts and alcoholics in their final hours.

Lesson learned:

You never hear someone complain about their parent or spouse being too kind or too loving. “If my wife would just stop being such a caring person, I’d be much happier in my marriage,” will never be said. Sadly, you typically hear the opposite being said.  It’s never too late to begin being the kindest, most loving person you can be. Today could be the day you begin to love your family members more.  Perhaps you need to apologize to someone. Today is as ideal a day as any to do it. Don’t wait until you’re dying to say you love your kids or wife.

3 – People wish they had taken more risks

Hospice advocate Jaime Garrison mentions on Quora that some patients on their deathbed express regret over the things they didn’t do.

As people age, they often reminisce about what their life could have been. What f they had taken that overseas job, or went to medical school? They have lots of time to sit around to think and to wish they’d done some things differently. They regret not making some decisions.

Maybe they were dissuaded by their parents, who thought that risk-taking wasn’t wise. Or they were afraid of the unknown. These regrets are heard by nurses all the time. It’s sad because there’s nothing to be said except to reassure the dying person that they did their best they could at the time. No one gets a second go-around in life; no one gets a do-over.

Lesson learned:

It’s hard to know when you’re in the middle of making a decision whether you will wish you’d done things differently later on.  You weigh all the options, but making decisions isn’t a clear cut process every time. All you can do is to decide what seems right at the moment. If you’re making your decisions based on what you see and feel is right at the moment, you shouldn’t feel regret.

Evaluate your decision-making process. Are there things you’re not doing because of fear of taking a risk? Is there something you’d like to learn or do, but you’ve been putting it off? Take a tip from these dying people’s regrets. Don’t wait until it’s too late.  Do that thing you’ve been dreaming about.  If you fail, so what? Failure is not the worst thing that can happen in your life. Don’t be afraid to take risks. You will be glad you did when you’re older. You don’t want to be that person on your death bed full of regrets about all the what-ifs in your life.

4 – They missed opportunities to express their feelings

Drying people frequently have loose tongues. All at once, they are open about their feelings as well as regrets. Perhaps it’s their medication doing it,  but they suddenly wish they’d expressed their pent-up feelings to their loved ones. Sometimes people fear being honest with their family members, or they just don’t know how to express themselves. Some people are raised to keep feelings inside.

Whatever the reason, deathbeds are like confessionals. The dying have important things they want to say, and oftentimes, it’s just the nurses around to hear them. They want to share all the things they neglected to say for decades. Nurses can comfort these patients by telling them they did the best they could. But this won’t erase their regrets.

Lesson learned: 

It’s always better to say something than to hold your feelings inside. Not being honest about your feelings never helps anyone. Honestly, sharing your feelings doesn’t give you a license to vent your anger at people. It simply means you honestly but gently share how you honestly feel.

Maybe you’ve been disappointed that your friends or family didn’t support you through an especially difficult time in your life. Or perhaps there is someone in your life who you appreciate, but you’ve never expressed it to them to their face. Being open about your feelings can result in deeper, stronger relationships with people. Don’t wait until you are on your deathbed! Go ahead and express your feelings now.

5 – People on their deathbed wish they could offer forgiveness of an old wrong

People often carry old grievances well into their elderly years. Injustices, whether real or perceived by family members or friends, embitter their hearts and minds. It’s often not until they become sick on their deathbeds that they begin to view these grievances in a new light. Maybe cutting off that relationship wasn’t worth the pain? What if they had forgiven that person? Would they feel this regret?

Lesson learned:

Nurses say that dying patients say time and again that they wished they had forgiven someone. It’s one of the top five regrets these nurses hear. The lesson here, of course, is to consider your own relationships. Is there a person or people you need to forgive? Could you take the first step in healing a broken friendship? We can all learn from dying people’s regrets about forgiveness. You can work hard not to have this same kind of regret in your life.

Final Thoughts on Learning Lessons from People on Their Deathbeds

Rarely do you hear that someone’s dying regrets had anything to do with what their house looked like or what kind of clothes they wore? The importance of material things fades away when you are close to death. You have regrets about people in your life, rather than the things in your life. Your lingering thoughts and regrets drift to how you lived your life and who you loved and cared for.

The lesson learned from this list of five regrets is that life is short. Love your family and those around you the best you can. Take risks when appropriate; don’t fear failing.

Be a forgiving, kindhearted person. No one will ever complain about that. And last of all, say what you’re feeling instead of repressing it. Be generous in sharing your feelings of love and care for people. You’ll never have regrets about that.

The lessons learned from these dying patents’ lips should motivate you in how you live your life so that someday when you are in their position, you’ll be regret-free.


10 Habits Of Unhappy People

10 Habits Of Unhappy People

Happiness is a very subjective thing, the source of happiness varies from person to person. However, I believe that it is a matter of choice to be happy  or not. It is in our own hands to find happiness, tiny reasons to celebrate and share your joy. When happiness is objectified with material things or anything in particular that is where we start to harm ourselves. By cutting down or limiting the reasons to feel happy. Following are the most common habits and behaviors portrayed by ‘unhappy’ people. As feeling happy is a matter of choice.

10. Expanding Our Problems (Unhappy people routine):

When disaster hits us our first response towards it is entirely based on our emotions. So we tend to take things completely out of proportion. So we make our already ‘big’ problem…. bigger in our heads. Which makes us to believe that it is way more hard to deal with the ‘bigger’ problem than it is in reality. So we’re just things difficult for ourselves.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Negative emotions have adverse effects on the thinking process, hence the action plan is also effected negatively. Holding a grudge against a person, some event in your life or even against your own self leaves you miserable.

Practicing this negative behavior on regular basis leads to an eventual decrease in your efficiency.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Unhealthy body leads to unhealthy mind. And your mind has the power to keep your heart happy and make you feel fulfilled. Hence taking care of the body has a very positive effect. The first step towards the maintenance of a healthy body is by eating good. More like eating right. Then comes physical activities to keep the body in shape such as jogging or playing a sport with consistency.

Eat right, look great, and feel great.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Get rid of unhappy people routines today.

The trick to succeeding in life is by keeping your priorities straight. However, it is not that easy. Since it’s very easy to get caught up in the cycle of life. It is highly likely that any person would not be struggling at keeping their eyes set at the prize, you tend to get distracted easily.

Delaying your goals we are potentially discarding our talents without having a realizing. Get rid of unhappy people routine today.


Being driven by fear is one of the most vital things which prevents you from achieving your goals, it restricts not just your physical but mental capabilities too.

You are unable to take risks. Unable to make decisions. Hence unable to get closer to your dreams. Which eventually leads to shattering of confidence and making you unhappy.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Overthinking about your future may cause a sense of depression and anxiety. For instance if you keep thinking about the consequences you might face you not just exert yourself but you end up preventing yourself from enjoying the present to the fullest. This habit makes you ungreatful and leaves you unfulfilled.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Nothing exudes unhappiness and insecurity more than negative self talk. Having regrets may not sound like a big deal but this corrodes a person’s peace and adds onto shattering of self confidence.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Get rid of unhappy people routine today.

In the materialistic society, which we are a part of. It’s all about doing things which makes us feel good about ourselves and everyone is trying to prove a point to someone or the other. This is unhealthy. It adds to toxicity to the society. Try not to be a part of it. Get rid of unhappy people routine today.


Criticism is good but to an extent only. We cannot expect perfection in everything. It is always good to have moderate expectations from others and yourself too. Setting extremely high standards for yourself and others can lead to disappointment in case the standards are not met which leads to dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t. Get rid of unhappy people routine today.

One common trait seen in most successful people is that they rarely complain about the difficulties in life. Rather they channel that energy in making something better out of it. By coming up with either coping strategies or overcoming the problem altogether.

We have to go to embrace the difficulties our life throws at us. Running away is not an option. While complaining about it will do us no good other than making us look like a mess.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t. Get rid of unhappy people routine today.


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5 People Share Their Near Death Experiences (NDEs)

5 People Share Their Near Death Experiences (NDEs)

Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) are as seemingly real as they are life-changing.

For reference, NDEs are defined as “Lucid (experiences) associated with perceived consciousness apart from the body occurring at the time of actual or threatened imminent death.”

In this article, we’re going to discuss the nature of NDEs – including the accumulating scientific evidence regarding their validity. Included are ten incredible accounts of individuals who have “crossed over” only to return to their Earthly abode.

Let us first discuss the evidence.

The Evidence for NDEs

“There was no confusion. This was not a dream. This was the real experience of my soul outside of my body, outside of my personality, outside fo my ego, and outside of my human form. Having a real experience at what I call ‘The Source.’ [original author’s emphasis]”

“It was more real than this reality. We all remember that experience better than anything else in our life.”

Two NDE testimonies from the documentary ‘Beyond Our Sight.’

It is estimated that around 17 percent of people who nearly die have an NDE. People who report an NDE come from a wide range of backgrounds: adults, children, religious and non-religious, physicians, scientists, ministers, and more. NDEs are reported across the world, with no area of the globe more or less likely to have an NDE.

Something interesting is that there seems to be commonly observed features of many NDE experiences. Some scientists believe that this commonality of experience also serves as proof for the validity of NDEs.

Among the most common experiences are:

  • Seeing and hearing apart from the physical body.
  • Passing into or through a tunnel
  • Encountering a mystical light
  • Intense (generally positive) emotions
  • Review of life experiences
  • Encountering deceased loved ones
  • The choice to return to their earthly life

Nine Lines of Evidence of a Near Death Experience

Jeffrey Long, MD, founder of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF,, cites nine “lines of evidence” that suggest the reality of near-death experiences.

#1- Lucid, organized experiences while unconscious, comatose, or clinically dead.

From a scientific perspective, having a highly lucid experience while unconscious, comatose, or clinically dead should not be possible. Yet, 74.4 percent of near-death experiencers (NDEers) report experiencing “More consciousness and alertness than normal.”

#2 – Witnessing ongoing events from a location apart from the physical body while unconscious.

Nearly have of NDEers report seeing or hearing events from a perspective that is apart (typically above) their physical bodies.

 #3 – Enhanced, “supernormal” vision.

In a survey of 1,122 NDEers, over 64 percent responded “Yes” to a question inquiring into any “supernormal” vision experiences. It is noteworthy that just 19 percent responded “No” to the question. (16 percent responded “Uncertain.”)

#4 – NDE under general anesthesia.

Having a lucid experience should not be possible under conditions of general anesthesia. However, NDEs (including some of the most extraordinary cases) are often reported under anesthesia.

#5 – Life reviews.

Many NDEs include at least a partial “life review.” Most NDEers describe the life review as taking place from a third-person perspective. Most tellingly, these life reviews often contain parts of their lives that they’d long forgotten until that point.

#6 – Encountering dead loved ones.

Many NDEs include encounters with deceased relatives. In one interesting study, one-third of NDE cases of this type included encountering relatives with whom the NDE experiencer had a poor or distant relationship. Some of these cases also involved meeting a relative or loved one who had died before the NDEer was born.

#7 – NDEs of young children mirror those of adults.

NDE accounts from young children are considered important, as they are less likely to have established religious or spiritual beliefs and less developed vocabulary. In one study, experimenters analyzed the responses of NDEers aged six or younger (average 3.6 years) to the rest of the group. Of the 33 questions asked, there were no statistically significant differences to the responses between the young children’s age group and the older participants.

#8 – Similar NDEs across cultures.

In Western society especially, we’d think that and NDE would be dependent on the spiritual or religious background of the experiencer. However, the evidence shows NDE content to be “strikingly similar” across cultures. This led one study to conclude: “All near-death experience elements appearing in Western NDEs are present in non-Western NDEs.”

#9 – After-effects of NDEs.

NDEs appear to transform the lives of those who experience them. 278 NDErs answered the question, “My experience directly resulted in…:” Here is how they responded:

  • Large changes in my life: 152 (54.7%)
  • Moderate changes in my life: 68 (24.5%)
  • Slight changes in my life: 28 (10.1%)
  • No changes in my life: 14 (5.0%)
  • Unknown: 16 (5.8%)

 Taken together, this compounding evidence seems to point toward – not away from – the reality of near-death experiences.

10 Amazing Near Death Experience Testimonies

Each of the following NDE accounts is curated from Quora and checked for validity.

  1. Sharon Elizabeth Jensen

“Everything around me was white, cloud white, not bright, shiny, can’t-see light, [but] comfortable light. In fact, everything was comfortable as the most amazing and beautiful music I have ever and will ever hear again (no Human music will EVER compare favorably) was wafting literally in the air and surrounding everything.

I have never really understood what the meaning of ‘unconditional love’ was; cynical being that I am, but I sure do now. Wow. SO wonderful and completely inexplicable in words.”

  1. Lori Miller

“I floated on my back along an invisible path surrounded by a speckled gray atmosphere. A white light illumined far in the distance. I kept my eyes on it without diverting my gaze as I moved towards it.

Absolute peace purified me. I shed all earthy worries, perspective, and concerns, things that I didn’t realize I’d been carrying vanished, and in their place, complete freedom overtook me.

I felt unburdened, blissful, harmonious, and centered, but these words don’t convey how amazing the experience was for me. There are no words that can adequately describe how I felt. The only way I can try to get across what it was like is to ask you to think of the best day of your life; the day you felt utter peace, a day when abundant love filled your heart, and you had no worries or things that you needed to get done, and then multiply those feelings by a million maybe even a trillion; yes, it was that good!”

  1. Raul Young

“I wasn’t dead, as my consciousness was still there; I wasn’t alive as I was no longer in my body. I was just simply being. I was an eternal force. An energy beyond explanation. It was like floating in the air.

I was no longer seeing the world — I wasn’t even seeing black. I was in a place bright as white. It was peaceful and perhaps heavenly.

The thing that I remembered the most was a sense of selfishness if I can truly put it into words. As I remembered my life, it really didn’t have much feeling of worth anymore. I felt like everything is perfect and just the way it should be.”

  1. Jiri Kroc

“It is an incredible feeling, the most beautiful ‘place’ which I ever visited during this life. It is like being in the heavenly place of the immense beauty of structures observed there and sounds perceived. It is our true home where our spirits reside.

The world, which I did enter, was pure light, pure resonations, pure oscillations, pure sound that all created an unbelievable beauty. Do you remember your early childhood and how you cuddled to your mother, felt absolutely safe, warm, and comforted? This is the exact same with the difference that the world which we are speaking about is the world of pure energy, a world where our souls reside.”

  1. ‘Jerry’

“What GOD showed me that day, there are not enough words on earth to tell you, but I will do my best with want words I have. There was the most beautiful gate, where we saw my parents, grandparents who had died a long time ago. One person I didn’t know, but he told me he loved me too. They all said they are fine and would wait for me to come back. We went on in. It seemed like everything was in a room, but you could see forever. You would be in one place, then in a second; you were somewhere else.

There was so much to see the clearest rivers and streams. The water was crystal clear. The sky was so blue, the grass so green, and when you walked in the grass, you didn’t leave footprints. The most beautiful music you have ever heard. The flowers were the most beautiful I had ever seen. I didn’t see any person who was sick, or cripple, or looked unhappy.”


15 Traits That Kind People Exhibit Without Realizing It

15 Traits That Kind People Exhibit Without Realizing It

There are certain traits that kind people have, and they may not even realize it. Since they are naturally kind-hearted, behaving in the way that they do comes easily to them. They don’t have to work at it. They simply have to be themselves.

Kind people don’t usually find themselves lonely or unsuccessful. This positive character trait contributes to positive social relationships and a more successful career. When people enjoy being around you, the interactions will be more positive and fulfilling.

The things that friendly people exhibit without realizing it are things that everyone else can work on. By consciously striving to develop these characteristics, anyone can become a nice person. After a while of conscious effort, it’ll become second-nature to behave in this way.

Fifteen Traits That Kind People Exhibit

Kind people treat everyone the same, and they always think about the well-being of others. Before they act, they also consider how their actions will affect others. Because of this, they tend to exhibit many positive characteristics without even realizing it.

1. They Give Praise Often

Everyone wants to hear praise sometimes, and this is something you can count on from a nice person. They’ll find something you do well, and they won’t be shy about telling you how great you are.

Remember, when you praise someone for their efforts, they’ll likely do even better next time. Think about how you feel when you receive kudos, and work harder to notice the good in others. Once you notice it, let them know and see how that praise encourages them.

2. Forgiveness

Nice people forgive easily, and rarely stay mad for long. They may not even get angry at all in situations that would make others crazy. Plus, they tend to walk away rather than argue, which could contribute to their ability to forgive quickly.

3. Patience

Kind people often show their kindness by being patient. Everyone makes mistakes or takes time to learn something new. This trait kicks in when patience is vital because being patient will want that person to try harder to succeed.

Being patient is also a way that friendly people show how much they care. They want you to know they believe in you and know you can do it.

4. Positivity

One of the reasons friendly people exhibit positivity is because they don’t complain. Complaining spreads negativity, and kind people know this and keep it in mind.

They also choose to use a positive vocabulary. You won’t hear them saying mean things when talking to others. Plus, they are extra careful not to say something offensive or hurtful.

You can count on nice people to look for the positive aspects of all situations. This includes a harmful situation when things didn’t go as planned, too.

5. Helpfulness

Kind people are always looking for ways to help others. If they see that you are in need, they’ll go out of their way to help you. This action could be giving you a ride when your car breaks down or helping you pick up things that you have dropped.

6. Compassion

Friendly people are a comfort to others through empathy and sympathy, stemming from their unhindered compassion. They can understand the problems of others and be sympathetic to what they are going through. Plus, they can be empathetic and help you through hard times.

They do this by listening to you and allowing you to express your feelings without interrupting. This is how they become so good at understanding how other people are feeling. By being compassionate and connecting on this level, they show their kindness and care of others.

7. They are Polite

You won’t see a nice person being rude, and they’ll always use their manners. They are kind and polite to employees at businesses they visit, even when things aren’t perfect.

They show respect to others and respect boundaries set in relationships. Nice people just want to show the respect that they expect to get back.

8. Honesty

When something isn’t working for them, they’ll speak up and say so. You won’t get passive-aggressive behavior from these folks. Plus, you won’t have to worry about how they truly feel because they will tell you.

Even though they will speak up when necessary, they’ll still do it kindly. They won’t say it in a way that will hurt your feelings or make you upset.

They also tell the truth when they’ve made a mistake. They honestly acknowledge their shortcomings and take responsibility.

9. Thoughtfulness

If you have a kind person in your life, you know that they are always thoughtful. They constantly think about what others would want and consider the opinions of others. Most importantly, they think about how their actions will affect those around them.

In their most personal relationships, they do unexpected and thoughtful things for those they love. This could be leaving a little gift or a note, or it can be by preparing their favorite meal.

10. Consistency

You know what to expect from this type of person. If they say that they will do something, they’ll do it. They also treat all people the same and show kindness to everyone. This trait isn’t just beneficial to those receiving compassion, either, as it will benefit the person being kind, too.

11. Humility

This doesn’t mean they put themselves down, but they are humble about their strengths. They know what they are good at, and they don’t go out of their way to brag to others.

Friendly people also recognize areas that they are lacking in and work to improve on them. They can take constructive criticism, and it doesn’t make them upset.

This acceptance is because they are satisfied with who they are, and they understand they have to continue working hard anyway. They don’t need to be a star in their field. Instead, they just acknowledge that they are doing their best. This behavior allows them to remain humble despite their strengths, and to continue working on their faults.

12. Authenticity

Friendly people won’t pretend to be different than they indeed are. They act the same wherever they are, no matter who they are with. You won’t see them going along with things that they wouldn’t normally do, just because their friends are.

They are true to themselves when they state an opinion. You can always count on what they are saying about themselves because they won’t pretend to be different.

When others see that a person is authentic, they begin to view them as a trustworthy person. A genuine person won’t have to try to impress anyway, because they are already sure of themselves. When a person is this confident in who they are, it draws others to them.

13. They are Interested in Others

Kind people are interested in what other people have to say. They are also involved in what is essential to other people. This helps them form and continue positive relationships.

They know that other people can help them learn, and they are interested in learning from them. There will be no hidden agenda, only a sincere desire to get to know those they interact with. Since each person offers something different, a nice person will strive to see what your strengths are.

They stay focused on the person who is talking to them, making them a joy to connect with. It allows those they are communicating with to feel relaxed and drawn in. Additionally, it’ll make a nice person the perfect person to network with.

14. Acceptance

Friendly people accept everyone they meet, even if they don’t agree with their views. They embrace the fact that everyone is different, and they use it as a learning opportunity. You won’t hear them criticizing people for their differences.

This attitude allows others to be themselves around a nice person. They won’t feel negativity or tension, and they’ll be happier because of it. It helps form positive relationships, open-mindedness, and a happy and positive environment.

15. Promptness

This trait isn’t to say that those who are often late aren’t kind, but the most considerate of people exhibit promptness. They understand the value of your time, and they won’t leave you waiting on them. Because of this, they tend to be more organized and disciplined in life.

Final Thoughts on Things That Kind People Exhibit Without Realizing It

Kind people exhibit many positive character traits without even realizing they are doing it. These qualities tend to come naturally to them. Having these traits come usually happens after an extended period of behaving this way consciously.

Often, these traits develop during childhood and early adulthood, but that’s not always the case. Anyone can develop these traits through conscious effort and creating habits. Then, over time, the characteristics become second-nature to those people, too.

If you or someone you know is a kind person, you’ll recognize many of these traits already. From showing compassion for others to going out of their way to help people, you can count on them for this.  Kind people are always thinking of the well-being of others, and they strive to make people feel good and succeed.


15 Comebacks for Dealing with Mean People

15 Comebacks for Dealing with Mean People

When you’re dealing with mean people, it is important to stay positive. Whether it’s a stranger, a co-worker, spouse, or any other person in your life, knowing what to say is important.

You don’t want to be rude in return, as it could only make the situation worse. Plus, it could irreparably damage a relationship that is important to you.

It’s important that you don’t let people be mean to you, though, no matter who they are. By speaking up and coming back with a quick response, you’ll let them know that the behavior isn’t acceptable.

If you have a person in your life who tends to be rude at certain times, remember these comebacks to use next time. These comebacks could stop their behavior on the spot, and they could help them be nicer in the future, too.

Tips for Dealing with Mean People

-Stay positive and calm

-Avoid being rude

-Don’t take on their same attitude


-Be firm

-Think about what you want to say before you say it

-Be empathetic

-Take a deep breath

Comebacks for Dealing with Mean People

1. I’m sure you didn’t intend to sound so rude, but that’s how it’s coming across to me.

Disagreeable people sometimes don’t realize they are being rude. When it comes naturally to them, it may be useful to point it out. Then, they will likely think about how they are speaking to you or what they are saying.

This way, they know how they are making you feel. Plus, they’ll know that you are trying to still be nice and positively interact with them.

2. I can see that you’re having a bad day.

If you say this, they’ll start thinking about why you think they are having a bad day. They’ll realize that the way they are speaking is giving you a bad vibe.

Sometimes a simple comment like this is the perfect comeback. The person you say it to may start speaking more nicely when it is pointed out to them.

Another way this comeback could work is that it could make the person believe that you said it because you are worried. This could soften their personality a little when they are communicating with you.

3. What is your motive for asking that?

Sometimes people ask rude questions just to make you uncomfortable. They may want to embarrass you in front of others or they just want to hurt your feelings.

When you are in this position, ask the person what their motive is. By turning it around and asking them this question, you’ll likely get your point across. They’ll know that you are not interested in discussing it.

Plus, if others can hear the conversation, it could shame the person who asked. Even rude people don’t want to be called out in front of others.

4. I’ll consider what you said, but I’d like to end this conversation now.

Even if you don’t agree with what was said, saying that you will consider it should normally do the trick. This way, the unfriendly person understands that you don’t want to talk about it and will hopefully stop. Then, you can forget it ever happened or you can take some time to consider it later.

Keep in mind that most rude people say things that aren’t true and have a goal to hurt you. If you choose to consider what they said, don’t take it too literally.

If you find that there was some truth to what was said, you can make a change. On the other hand, if there wasn’t any truth in it, just move on and forget it.

Then, the next time that person brings it up again you can answer honestly. You would simply tell them that you considered it already and you don’t want to talk about it again.

5. I’m finished with this conversation.

Sometimes, you just have to be blunt. If you’ve tried reasoning with the person and tried other comebacks, it may be best to end the conversation.

It isn’t as rude as ignoring them, but you’re letting them know that you aren’t going to be talking anymore. There is no use in arguing or going back and forth, so end the conversation and move on.

6. Have a great day!

This is another way of ending the conversation. As you’re ending the conversation or walking away from them, a positive statement is the way to go.

They can’t be angry at you for telling them to have a nice day. Plus, you’ll be able to walk away as a better person.

7. Thank you.

If someone makes a rude comment about you, just thank them. While you aren’t appreciative of their rudeness, it’ll let them know that you heard them. When you don’t react in the negative way that they were likely hoping for, they’ll be disappointed.

Most people won’t keep trying to get under your skin if they see that it isn’t working. So, when you give this simple reaction, they may let the conversation go.

8. I’m trying to empathize with you, but you’re making that difficult.

When someone is spiteful, it could be because something difficult is going on in their life. For this reason, reminding yourself that they could be having a bad day may help.

If they cross a line, however, it’s important to speak up and let them know. Let them know that you are trying to be understanding, but that you are struggling with their rudeness.

9. Could you please stop being so negative?

If you often deal with this person and you know that this is always the way they behave, speak up. Don’t let them get you down or ruin your day. Instead, call them out and ask them to stop being so negative.

It isn’t rude, but it gets the point across. Maybe your question will help them think about their behavior in the future, too.

10. I don’t appreciate the way you’re speaking to me. Could you please speak more nicely?

You should always be clear that you don’t like the way you are being treated. You can do it in this way because it’s stern but polite. If the person continues speaking that way after you’ve nicely asked them to stop, it’s time to walk away.

11. Excuse me?

By asking the person to repeat what they said, they’ll realize that you didn’t like what they said. Oftentimes, they won’t repeat it. If they do, try one of the other suggested comebacks.

12. I appreciate your opinion.

Sometimes, people like to give their opinion when it isn’t wanted. Their opinion probably doesn’t even matter to the situation, which can be beyond irritating to you.

Instead of getting angry or rude in return, thank them for their opinion. After you’ve thanked them for sharing, they shouldn’t have anything more to say. Remember, their thoughts and opinions on your life don’t matter, so try to stay positive.

13. Are you okay?

When you ask someone this question, a couple of things may happen. First, they’ll likely ask why you’re wondering.

If they do ask, you could explain to them that they seem like they are in a bad mood. Or, you could be vaguer and just tell them that they seem different.

The other thing that may happen is that they may open up to you. They’ll see that you care and that you aren’t angry at them for being in a bad mood. If something is wrong with them, you’ve just opened the communication that maybe what they need.

14. Anything else?

This comeback will let them know that what they are saying isn’t bothering you. When their comments don’t affect you, they’ll be disappointed. Furthermore, when you invite them to say more, they’ll be even more discouraged.

This should stop them from being mean to you at the moment. Plus, it’ll also make them think twice in the future before they are rude to you again.

15. Say nothing at all, just smile and laugh.

Sometimes, the best comeback is to say nothing. Even better, smile or laugh at what the spiteful person has to say. No one wants to be laughed at, so reacting this way will be the perfect response for any rude person.

Final Thoughts on Comebacks for Dealing with Mean People

You will inevitably experience mean people in your life. No matter where you go, you are sure to encounter it on a somewhat regular basis. You have to stay positive, though, and graciously deal with them.

These comebacks for dealing with negative people can help you change the behavior of that person. The comebacks will stop the behavior immediately, and could even influence that person in the future.

Hopefully, with your stern but kind comebacks will help the spiteful person think before they speak in the future. In the meantime, however, these comebacks will help you get through your experience with that mean person.


20 Habits of Extroverts That Most People Misunderstand

20 Habits of Extroverts That Most People Misunderstand

Extroverts are social animals. They love being around people.  Because they may come on strong, some people aren’t sure what to do with them. They are often misunderstood.  So, what are 20 habits of extroverts that most people misunderstand?

How you can tell if you are an extrovert

If you are an extrovert, you have some common characteristics that all extroverts share. Those who have this personality type display the following traits:

  • Love to communications and talking, they often think out loud.
  • Love being the center of attention, it’s in their nature.
  • Can be impulsive and tend to leap before they look
  • Love group activities
  • Can’t stand being alone too long
  • Get inspired by others’ thoughts and ideas.
  • Like to talk out your feelings


Common Traits of Extroverts

Here are some often shared traits among extroverts.

1. They like to talk and listen

Extroverts like to communicate. Talking is essential to them because they love to relate to and learn from people. They want to express their ideas, but they also want to hear other people’s thoughts. Extroverts make great listeners because they understand communication.

They value your ideas and will often grab hold of something you’ve said. And, they will share with you how much they love your stories. This is why they have an abundance of friends. They’re just so doggone fun to talk to because they like to listen to other people.

2. Extroverts are private people

You may think that all extroverts are open and share personal things, but that’s not true. They have deep feelings that they won’t always share with a crowd. They have close friendships with people who know them the best. They are apt to be fun and outgoing with most people, but those closest to them know their heart and what’s important to them.

3. Extroverts love attention in public

If you know an extrovert, you know they love getting praised in public. It’s just who they are. They love attention. Because public settings are vital to them, they feel more valued when appreciated in public. So, if you have an extroverted friend, be sure to tell others how great they are when you’re in public. Of course, like all of us, they also love affirmation in private, so do that too.

4. They are excellent on teams

Studies found that extroverts learn best in group settings. They love study groups and group activities at school or work. These people enjoy being on a team because they love to be with people.  They like discussing ideas and listening to other’s ideas. They’ll work hard on their team and often rise to the top as a good leader for the team because they’re good at drawing people into the group.


5. Get energy from being with people

You know they extroverts at the bar, they’re the ones moving from table to table talking and laughing with every person. They’re having fun just being with people. Extroverts get energized when they’re around people. Talking, sharing their ideas, and listening to other people inspires them to the point where they feel more energetic.

Being alone too much will cause them to feel out of sorts and depressed. Interacting with people is like air to an extrovert, too little, and they’ll begin to feel lifeless.

6. A person can be shy yet still an extrovert

Believe it or not, some extroverts are shy. Just because you’re an extrovert doesn’t mean you don’t feel reserved when first meeting new people. If you are slow at getting to know people, it could mean you’re shy. That’s okay. Generally, though, most of them don’t mind meeting new people. While introverts find this exhausting, an extrovert like people enough to not mind being with new people even if they’re on the shy side.

7. Need to problem-solve their problems

If you’re an extrovert, you like to solve your problems out loud. You wish to discuss, reason, question, and wonder by talking.

For this reason, these people are often also auditory learners or processors.  Auditory learners like to talk about problems. They enjoy listening but can’t wait to share ideas. Here are some other characteristics of an auditory learner.

  • They’re better at remembering someone’s name but not their face.
  • They get distracted by noises easily.
  • They don’t like long narratives in books or plays.
  • They love plays and lots of dialogue in books.
  • They do the best listening to explanations from the teacher.
  • They like to recite poems, lists, or readings.
  • Talk to themselves or others
  • May read moving their lips since it feels like they’re talking
  • Like to listen to music while learning
  • Like lectures
  • Love it when their teacher praises them in front of the class
  • Good oral speller; needs to hear how to spell more than see it.
  • Gives lots of detail when the teacher calls on them

Of course, not all auditory learners are extroverts, but it’s more usual for these personality types to be auditory learners. They may lean towards other learning styles, but this is usually the most pronounced one.

8. Like to hang out with a group

Extroverts love a crowd. They don’t do well being alone, but love groups. They feel at peace in a group and can find interesting discussions and opportunities to learn and share ideas. They function well on teams and in groups at school or work.

9. May try to draw introverts in to help them

If you’re an introvert, you may have had an extroverted friend try to “help” you get involved in a group Extroverts think that if someone is alone, it’s a bad thing. This is because they don’t like being alone. It’s easy to misunderstand their motives, but it is because they care that they’re trying to pull you into the group.

10. Do get bored

If there aren’t enough opportunities to communicate, an extrovert will get bored. They get tired of doing activities that don’t require discussion or interaction. You see this in classrooms where the extroverts want to keep talking or clowning around when the teacher has told them to work alone. Extroverts can’t resist trying to get their neighbor’s attention to speak or be funny. They just need to interact.

11. Share a lot of detail

Extroverts are talkers. They can talk and talk. They often go into in-depth detail about a subject because they have been thinking about it assume you want to know as much about it as they do.

They will give descriptions from different angles, list the pros and cons, and then give a detailed account as to how they came upon all these thoughts. It can be exhausting for those listening unless, of course, they’re also extroverts.

12. They doubt themselves at times

It’s easy to assume that extroverts are completely confident all the time. This is a common misunderstanding. Extroverts are so outgoing. They often get lots of criticism. This can be unnerving as they try to change and figure out what would work better.  They tend to be overly eager to change up things they think people won’t like to the point where they doubt themselves.

13. Not all extroverts are the same

There are different types of extroverts. Some extroverts are more ambitious than others. All extroverts do like social situations, but they will use them differently.  Shy extroverts will surround themselves with a group of outgoing extroverts to make themselves more comfortable. No one size fits all, and this is a commonly misunderstood thing about extroverts.

Here are 17 habits of introverts that most people misunderstand.

14. Brains sense pleasure around people

Studies found that an extrovert’s brain reacts differently to seeing people. Their brain senses pleasure when they get around people. Being around people is what makes them happiest. They will find great pleasure in friends and family interactions. Extroverts rarely meet a stranger and enjoy talking with them.

15. Socializing can make an extrovert tired

Believe it or not, socializing can make extroverts tired. They need to recharge, just like introverts. But an extrovert will probably recharge with a small group of people instead of by themselves.

16. Not all born leaders

These folks can be good leaders, but so can introverts. It’s easy to stereotype personalities. Some extroverts prefer to follow rather than lead. Extroverts do like people, but being on a team or in a group is just fine with them. They don’t always need to be the leader.

17. Enjoy noise

Extroverts like noise. They don’t like it when it’s too quiet. They say that when it’s too quiet, they get distracted. Whether it’s playing music while they study or being in a loud restaurant for a meeting, extroverts prefer this over a quiet atmosphere.

18. They’re good teachers, public speakers, or salesmen

It only makes sense that people who love to talk will enjoy professions that require lots of talking. Of course, extroverts can be in any profession, but some jobs just lend themselves to outgoing, talkative people. Sales, speaking, and teaching are perfect professions for extroverts because they get to do what they love most-talk and discuss ideas.

19. Not great planners

Extroverts can be impulsive. They jump at things before they’ve thought through the details. They may say yes to everyone without looking at their calendar first. But because of this, they’re huge doers. They love staying busy and helping others. So, if you display these habits, be sure to keep your calendar with you and take a look once in a while, so you don’t over-commit yourself.

20.  Love it when people drop in to say hello

This personality type loves it when someone drops by.  Where an introvert would find this overwhelming, an extrovert is in heaven. They love people, and being surprised by an unexpected visitor adds energy to them because they have someone to talk to.

honest personFinal Thoughts on the Traits of Extroverts

Rest assured, when you meet an extrovert, you will know it! Their bubbly personalities and ability to make friends are dead giveaways.


15 Things Charming People Do Without Realizing It

15 Things Charming People Do Without Realizing It

Why is it that some people have a magnetic appeal when they’re in a crowd? What is it about these brilliant conversationalists that everyone finds so charming?

Do you often feel uncomfortable at a social gathering where you don’t know anybody, and do you have a hard time learning names? This familiar scenario is toward the top of many people’s lists of phobias. However, you may be envious of those who make socializing and conversation look effortless.

You’ve heard the adage that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What makes someone with average looks be swarmed about with admiring listeners? How do some people waltz into a room of strangers and start chatting as if they were among old friends?

Does your career depend on you being an excellent communicator and influencer? These are vital skills when you are working in sales or helping professions. Effective communication and brilliant people skills can mean the difference between clients choosing your company or a competitor.

In the world of romance, charming people win more hearts than those who insist on being wallflowers. Let’s face it; we are first attracted to appearance. Beauty may get the initial attention, but character, charm, wit, and kindness will keep it.

Is it possible to increase your charm factor? For years, Dale Carnegie’s blockbuster book about gaining friendship and influencing people was the standard for learning effective communication. What are the secrets to knowing that will help you stand out in a crowd?

You don’t need stunning features, to have the right last name, or to be loaded with cash to be a magnetic personality. Learning a few simple communication skills and being sensitive to social cues are your keys to success.

Here are 15 things that charming people do for you to consider.

1. They Look Others in the Eye

One of the things you probably studied in high school speech class was the significance of good eye contact. Our brains are hard-wired to scan another person’s eyes for sincerity and truthfulness.

When you make regular eye contact with others while talking, it exudes confidence, charm, and genuineness.

2. Charming People Often Smile

Have you heard that it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile? When we see someone with a big frown or scowl, our first response is usually to walk the other way. A sincere smile does more to accentuate your appearance than diamonds or pearls ever can.

When you are a bundle of nerves facing an unfamiliar crowd in a speaking engagement or a party, try smiling. It can instantly put you at ease and draw positive attention from others. The more you practice smiling, the more natural it will become.

3. They Use Good Manners

Regardless of how fashion and social mores revolve, good manners will never go out of style. Even the most attractive person in the crowd is considered a swine if he is rude and obnoxious. The essence of charm is proper manners, grace, and dignity in all situations.

4. They Know How to Show Respect

Proper manners hinge on mutual respect. When you show respect to people regardless of who they are or their life’s situations, they’ll perceive you in a beautiful, positive light. Observing basic rules like treating others the way you want to be treated will serve you well when relating to people.

5. Charming People Talk About Interesting Things

You must have a broad range of topics to discuss if you want to be a successful conversationalist and influencer. First, steer clear of subjects dealing with religion, politics, or sex. Unless you are with close, like-minded friends, cursing and bawdy jokes have no place in most social settings.

A thoughtful person would never find amusement in comments that are hate-charged and prejudiced. Neutral topics as conversational starters needn’t be boring. Skilled conversationalists know how to tailor their conversations to the present company.

You’ll never go wrong by using open-ended questions to get people to talk about themselves because they will almost always view you as a fascinating person.

6. Don’t Be Afraid to Laugh

Most people indeed enjoy laughing with others. While nobody expects you to be a standup comedian, a little levity goes a long way when breaking the ice in an unfamiliar crowd. Remember to smile often and lighten up with a little laughter, if it’s not at the expense of others.

7. They Are Excellent Listeners

There’s a vast difference between hearing people and listening to what they are saying. You must be actively engaged in what the other person is saying to listen to them genuinely. Fascinating people allow a few seconds to reflect on other’s comments instead of thinking of what to say next.

Be a good listener, look the speaker in the eyes and concentrate on what she’s saying. Let her know that you understand her point by restating it in your own words. Keep your body language neutral and receptive, leaning slightly toward the other person.

Excellent conversationalists also value the importance of mirroring the person talking to them. Take a cue from the topic and the emotion the speaker is displaying and follow suit. Show genuine enthusiasm when he is sharing exciting news and display empathy when he’s perplexed or hurting.

Though it may be difficult, you should avoid interrupting. While you mirror appropriate emotion, nod your head, and think about what he’s saying. These nonverbal actions tell the other person that you care about what he’s saying, and you value him.

8. People with True Charm are Genuine

If you must be pretentious to make a statement, you won’t be a positive one. People like meeting those who are authentic and don’t need to put on airs. In a group or even one-on-one conversation, relax, and be yourself.

Nobody enjoys the company of a braggart, either. Those who can only blab about their accomplishments, possessions, or money always are usually avoided. Your best asset is a genuine personality with a positive attitude and kindness.

Therapists explain how to learn the art of accepting compliments gracefully.

9. Charming People are Positive

Skillful conversationalists are keenly aware of how to set the mood of the discussion. Your attitude can be contagious, be it positive or negative. Who wants to be smothered by a wet blanket spouting gloom and doom all the time? It’s a mood buster for everyone.

Of course, sometimes warrant serious discussions about negative situations, which are unusual in social occasions. Remember to smile and keep the conversation positive and lively. People will leave the conversation feeling good and will seek out your company often.

10. Know-How to Tell a Great Story

Isn’t it fun to be around people who are gifted storytellers? They are animated and instinctively know how to accent each part. While sharing stories is a beautiful way to bond with others, it should be used judiciously to avoid being boring.

11. Fascinating People are Team Players

What would happen in a basketball game if only one player controlled the ball? Nobody else could play, and their team would undoubtedly lose, regardless of whether the single player is a pro. Likewise, a one-sided conversation is a loss to everyone involved.

To be a great conversationalist, learn to share the limelight. When you draw others into the conversation and allow it to go back and forth naturally, everyone is happy and enriched. When a conversation dominator enters the room, people usually scatter.

12. They Use Appropriate Body Language

Even when people don’t know each other, our brains can instantly notice and analyze body language. If your body language isn’t congruent with what you’re saying, you’ll be ingenuine. When you are talking, keep your arms open and your body calm and relaxed.

13. They Do Things to Enrich Their Lives

Fascinating people don’t just happen; they invest in themselves. No wonder they are a treasure trove of interesting subjects to discuss. If you want people to be attracted to you, consider expanding your expertise and learning new hobbies.

14. Charismatic People Keep Their Word

Nobody enjoys the company of a liar, not even other liars. Those who attract attention at a party or social event know to save the obvious whoppers for a funny fishing story. Also, you build trust and camaraderie when you are honest, punctual, and fulfill your promises and obligations.

15. People with Charm Make Others Feel Good About Themselves

Most people can see straight through flattery with disdain. However, appropriate and sincere compliments are usually welcomed by others. When you have confidence in yourself and your abilities, it’s easy to step back from the spotlight and allow others to shine.

Final Thoughts on Being a  More Charming Individual

If you want to be perceived as a charming person with a magnetic personality, practice these suggestions. Soon, they will become second nature, and you will be more comfortable in a crowd or a one-on-one conversation. You’ll never regret learning how to make new friends and cultivate friendships you already have.