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The 5 Most Famous Sex Therapists of All Time

The 5 Most Famous Sex Therapists of All Time

The 5 Most Famous Sex Therapists of All Time

In today’s sex-saturated market, it can be easy to forget that sex was once a very taboo topic.

Many famous sex therapists struggled to find their place in the world. Even today, they are often met with resistance or criticism but persist in spite of their challenges.

These inspirational figures overcame difficulties to pioneer the field of sex therapy, and continue to influence it today. Be inspired by the work of these famous sex therapists.

1. Alfred Kinsey

Modern sexual psychology truly started with Alfred Kinsey. His work is so well-known that he has almost become a household name.

In the 1940s and 1950s, most public talk about sex of any kind was considered controversial. Kinsey pioneered the field of sex psychology at the time, even founding an institute for sex research.

Without Kinsey, the sexual revolution that came in the following decades may not have happened. He replaced outdated concepts of accepted sexuality with the idea that almost all sexual behavior could be considered normal from a biological perspective.

He studied both male and female sexuality and spent his career publishing books, giving lectures, and conducting research that’s still influential in the field today, making him one of the most famous sex therapists of all time.

2. Virginia Johnson

From the 1960s onward, Virginia Johnson carried the baton of pioneering sex therapy along with her husband William Masters.

Masters was an academic with a cold demeanor, but Johnson was personable enough to make research subjects comfortable. The couple contributed to the field of human sexuality with sex studies that brought them worldwide fame. Johnson and Masters conducted two-week-long therapy sessions for people with perceived sexual dysfunction.

She published two best-selling books and had a successful public career. Society did not always meet her work with acceptance, but the impact she had on women’s sexuality and sexuality in general is still felt today.

3. Ruth Westheimer

Westheimer, often simply called Dr. Ruth, got her introduction to open discussions of sex when she took a job at Planned Parenthood in the 1960s. By 1967, she was a project director for the organization.

She also has a doctorate degree from Columbia in family and sex therapy.

Her career was not entirely a smooth ride. When she was fired from a teaching job at Brooklyn College, she nearly gave up hope. But a lecture she gave not long after led to her being offered a radio show.

The show’s popularity helped her grow a devoted following, which led to her rapid career growth, including a television series and the publication of several books.

4. Padma Deva

In a world where we have such interesting sex devices as the Whizzinator and Fleshlight, it’s hard to imagine that anything related to sex could be scandalous. Modern-day sex therapist Padma Deva may be seen by some as more infamous than famous.

She is known as the sex therapist who sleeps with her patients. Intercourse doesn’t always happen, but nudity, massage, and sensual touch may all be part of the therapy session.

Deva is a professional therapist who just happens to have unconventional methods of treating patients. She helps male clients recover from sexual problems and fears that inhibit them from having normal relationships.

Her sexual activity with patients has brought lots of controversy. Yet the fame (or infamy) has also helped give her the publicity that creates success.

5. Laura Berman

Another modern sex therapist, Laura Berman’s work is more on the tame side. She works with media figures that are generally seen as wholesome, such as Oprah and Dr. Oz, to bring information about sex to the masses.

Berman has been on reality TV and has a nationally syndicated radio show in addition to having been featured in many major magazines. She provides another facet to the work of sex therapy, helping inform readers, viewers, and listeners across the world.

Contributions of Famous Sex Therapists

From history to the modern day, each of these famous sex therapists has had their own unique approach to the field.

Some research stands the test of time while other research is replaced with more modern findings. All these therapists made important lasting contributions to the field.

What have you learned from famous sex therapists, or what do you hope to find out? Leave a comment and let us know!


5 Easy Ways to Kill Time at an Airport

5 Easy Ways to Kill Time at an Airport

Dying on Your Layovers?: 5 Easy Ways to Kill Time at an Airport

3.5 billion people get on planes and travel either domestically or internationally every single year.

Reasons for flying vary and include going on vacation, seeing family, traveling for work, and everything in-between.

While the people who fly and their reasons for doing so are radically different, there is one trait that everyone who steps foot on a plane universally shares…

They hate layovers.

Layovers are the scourge of humanity. In the worst of times, they make you miss connections and opportunities. In the best of times, they induce unbearable levels of boredom.

To help make your next layover a little more tolerable, below, our team shares with you 5 solid ways you can kill time between when you land and when your next flight starts boarding.

1. Binge Watch That Show You’ve Been Considering

If your airport has WiFi (god help you if it doesn’t) and you have a Netflix subscription (god help you if you don’t) one of the best things you can do to kill time during a layover is binge watch that show you’ve been thinking of picking up.

You know, that one all of your friends told you was good but you never got around to watching partially out of forgetfulness and partially out of defiance?

A long layover should give you more than enough time to smash a few episodes.

2. Drink

This suggestion may not be for everyone but for those of you that love a good beer, glass of wine or cocktail, airport layovers can be a great excuse to throw a few back.

We love going to airport sports bars, nursing a beer and using our order as an excuse to loiter in front of a television set for 4+ hours.

Whenever you think your waitress is going to kick you out, you just order another round.

3. Window Shop

Rich people love shopping to kill time at airports.

If you’re rich, awesome! Shop away.

If you’re not rich, also awesome! Window shop!

Caution: Checking out all of the cool perfumes, advancements in neck pillows, and magazines airports have on tap may lead to the occasional impulse buy. If you’re wary of your ability to browse without buying, try giving your credit card to a travel companion for safe keeping.

4. Make Money

If humans weren’t such good procrastinators, we’d love airport layovers because they’d give us ample time to work and make money! The thing is though that feeling obligated to work sucks…

Still, we’re obliged to tell you that if you have 5 hours at an airport, you’re better off using them to be productive than to kill time.

If productivity is as dirty a word to you as it is to us, you could play casino slots from your mobile device and pretend to make money… That’s almost a good use of time, right?

5. Set Goals for Your Future

We love killing time by coming up with goals on how we could better use our time in the future… If that sounds like an oxymoron it’s probably because it might be.

Wrapping Up Easy Ways to Kill Time at an Airport

There you have it. 5 solid ways to kill time at the airport.

If none of our suggestions hit the spot for you, you could always try killing time by checking out more of our awesome content on ArticleCity… We certainly wouldn’t judge you if you did.