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In the Business of Selling Tours? Unique Ways to Promote Your Tour Company

In the Business of Selling Tours? Unique Ways to Promote

In the Business of Selling Tours? Unique Ways to Promote Your Tour Company

International tourism is a widely popular industry, and the US is right in the thick of things. In fact, tourism spending in America has risen to $210.7 billion in recent years, making it one of the most lucrative sectors of the US economy.

When people visit awe-inspiring US venues, they’ll likely want to go on a tour. Group tours are the best way to see everything at a tour site, including areas with restricted access. Plus, they give people a lot of information about the place they’re visiting to make sure that the experience is both educational and memorable.

Whether you’re looking for international tourism business ideas or local ones, whether you’re looking for customers to tour a national park or an office building, you’re going to need some good marketing.

Here, we’re going to give you some awesome ideas to get your tour business off the ground!

Think About Your Type of Tour

There are a lot of different types of tours that you can offer, all catering to different audiences. If you’re trying to entice international tourists to come to check out a famous monument or natural wonder, you’re going to want to market in both more languages and on a broader platform.

On the other hand, if you want to market something for a niche audience, you’re only going to need to get the word out to others in your niche. Want to offer tours of a work plant? Websites like are great models to look into if you want to have great marketing.

Basically, as with most businesses, the first step to marketing is identifying your target audience and making strides to connect with these specific individuals.

Partner With Other Businesses

One way you can market to a lot of people is by partnering with other businesses. This can mean that you will be doing business with another company that offers things you can use on tour.

For example, if you want to hire a business to cater lunch while on your tour, you can ask them in exchange to advertise for your tour to customers in their restaurant.

Partnering with other businesses could also mean offering mutual discounts. This would mean that people would be given specific coupons when on your tour to go and use the services of another business in the area that you have partnered with. Likewise, the business would be giving out coupons and flyers advertising discounts for your tours.

Basically, partnering with another business means that you’ll be establishing a mutually beneficial professional relationship with a company that operates within a different niche than you do!

Include Images on Websites

Did you know that 64% of people are visual learners? Well, it’s true!

This means that when you’re marketing in flyers or online, you’re going to want to use images and graphics to promote your business. Think about including some shots of the most interesting parts of your tour. Photos of people having a good time while in your venue are also great.

If you’re marketing online, also try including videos and snippets of a virtual tour. These media are sure to leave potential clients wanting more by making them curious… thus causing them to book a tour of your site.

Use E-Marketing Strategies

Since online marketing is so important in today’s day and age, let’s elaborate a little more on what e-marketing entails.

The first thing you need to do is design a website all of your own. This will make your business look professional and knowledgeable. It’s also a great place to include a section where people can book tours and contact you. Don’t forget to also include a review section where satisfied customers can recommend you!

To get this website to target the right people in your niche, search engine optimization (SEO) services are a must-have. These will get your website in front of the eyes of your target audience since it uses key words that people have searched to show them relevant information.

Since most people also are on social media like Twitter and Facebook, setting up pages on those platforms is also a great idea. People can follow and share your pages to get them on the screens of other interested parties.

Give Out Discount Codes

Another great marketing technique is giving out discount codes!

When people have had a great time and finished your tour, hand out discount codes at the end. These discount codes will give deals to the person that they give them to if they book your services, too. Since the people giving them out will have had a positive experience, you’re bound to get more customers who are in for a discounted, well-priced good time.

You can also give people discounts on future tours for giving out the coupon code! Just make sure that you offer a way to know who referred to new customers, and you’ll end up with a lot of satisfied people looking for tours at low prices.

Get More Tourism Business Ideas

It can be difficult to make it in the tourism industry. If you use good marketing strategies, include enticing pictures on your web page, and cater to the specific customers in your niche, though, you should do just fine.

Now that you know the best tourism business ideas, visit the content strategy section of ArticleCity. We’ll help you come up with more unique and effective ways to promote and grow your business.

Have fun getting out there and showing people around!